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Jakub |
As we were boarding he stood ahead of me, his large butt packed into some tight shorts. He turned around.
“You are on big boat before?”, he asked.
I shook my head no. He smiled.
“Is fun!”
I was guessing he was actually oblivious.
The boat left the harbor and the wind in my hair made me close my eyes and smile. Martin sat next to me and pointed out a smaller island in the distance. It was unclear to me if this was more of a scenic trip or a party boat, or maybe a combination of the two. We were promised some great views and Instagrammable shots, but there was a seemingly unlimited amount of booze on board and included in the price. There were about 30 people on the boat in total, all in their 20s, attractive, and ready to party.
We were told the boat was going in between the islands of Ibiza and Formentera, where we would have a short stop for some photos and swimming. Everybody’s clothes came off and they wore swimwear underneath. I went in with my Czech buddies for a refreshing dip. Some horseplay ensued where Lukáš was being pulled under by Jakub and Tomáš. Their muscular bodies shiny from the water, I was reminded of the day before at the waterpark.
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Tomáš |
We had clearly been watched by others while we played our game as by the time we got back on the boat, we all were approached by girls. It was lunchtime on the boat, as we continued our way to Formentera. I had fended off this girl who was interested in me, and Martin and Tomáš also no longer seemed of interest. The three of us had lunch together while there was no sign of either Jakub or Lukáš. Part of me was sad to see Jakub go, I kind of wanted to talk to him more.
I asked Martin why he didn’t join the two other guys for the gym today.
“Oh, I don’t need to work out every day. I don’t do that at home, and certainly not starting on holiday”, he chuckled.
“Jakub and Lukáš want to compensate all of the drinks and deliciously unhealthy food they’re having out here, or at least limit the damage.”
He looked down on his grilled pork and took a sip of his beer.
“And that’s not what holiday is to me!”
Tomáš and I cheered to that.
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Martin |
“The other boys”, Tomáš started, “they go crazy on holiday.”
“I saw!”, I said, laughing.
“Jakub is so…”
He asked Martin for a translation.
“Well-mannered young man. But then the drinking, phew! He is different person sometimes!”
Martin agreed.
“He needs to get laid soon, or else he will go all sexual on one of us again.”
I bit my lip and smiled. I said nothing.
“Remember that one time”, Martin continued as he looked at Tomáš, “when you two shared a bed and he was definitely fully asleep, but he was just humping you?”
I laughed. That was nothing compared to what I had done with him.
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Lukáš |
“No luck with the ladies?”, I asked.
“No… Jakub yes!”
I snickered.
“Why? Do girls like Jakub better?”
He shrugged.
I could tell Martin was following our conversation.
“You might be slightly intimidating”, Martin said.
“Why?”, I asked, “Because of his body?”
Lukáš smiled wide and gave me a double bicep flex.
“Yes, but also because Jakub is polite and Lukáš, he’s just… loud.”
“Me? Not loud!”, he yelled, immediately making himself laugh hard, his head falling back.
“OK, OK, is true.”
I was noticing that whenever Lukáš was drinking, he wasn’t as apprehensive speaking English. It still wasn’t very good, but I definitely knew what he meant.
Lukáš softly elbowed me in my side.
“You talk girls?”
“No, not really. I am gay.”
“You talk boys?”
“Why no?”
He pointed at other people on the boat in a very obvious way.
“Sexy boy, sexy boy, sexy boy.”
He wasn’t wrong, they were sexy, but also very obviously straight. The last guy he pointed at was actually making out with a girl. But I loved how casually he accepted my sexuality.
“OK, maybe wrong boat”, he admitted. “Tonight we dancing for gay, yes?”
I laughed. He addressed Martin in Czech.
“La Troya”, Martin replied.
“We go La Troya tonight. Find sexy boy, yes?”
I smiled. He was being very sweet.
“Sex is good!”
He very suddenly grabbed my cock through my swim shorts. I had been having a semi throughout our conversation, because he was so close to me. I gasped, and he did too.
“You big péro! Big as Jakub!”
He chuckled. I laughed now too. I put my finger over my mouth so he would quiet down.
“Ssshhh. It’s a secret.”
He laughed.
“Me loud”, he said while laughing.
Tomáš had gone to the bathroom and came back with fresh beers for everyone.
“Jakub is kissing girl!”, he said, “I saw him!”
“Oh good, no humping tonight!”, Martin said.
The boat anchored at Playa de Ses Illetes, a paradise-like beach, which was part of the island of Formentera. We had loads of time here to swim, lay on the beach and even snorkel, as equipment was available on board. Jakub had gone straight to the beach, hanging out with this group of girls, being very touchy feely with one of them.
Lukáš, Martin, Tomáš and I went for a swim first, and then tried the snorkeling. I might have had too high expectations of the sealife and underwater views I would encounter, but it was still very pretty. The four of us went to get our towels and joined Jakub and the girls on the beach. We dried off, put our towels down and sat on the sand. The view of the ocean was stunning and so peaceful.
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Lukáš |
It was quite a relaxing afternoon, and it was fun to hang out with the boys. Jakub did come over at one point, but only talked in Czech to Lukáš and Tomáš, clearly about the girls he was with.
Lukáš was drinking a lot, and by the time we were back on the boat making its way back to Ibiza, he had passed out. His head had fallen back against Martin, who sat in between us. His snoring could be heard over the boat engine. On my other side now sat Jakub. He had been rejected for being too handsy throughout the day and had rejoined the group. It was the first time I was able to talk to him without anyone overhearing.
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Jakub |
“What you mean?”
“In the bathroom?”
He frowned and seemed completely clueless what I was referring to.
“I do something bad?”, he asked.
“No, not at all.”
“Is OK, you can say. I get stupid sometimes. After party.”
“Oh it’s nothing. You were on the bathroom floor, passed out. Naked.”
He blushed. Tomáš was right, there were two sides to Jakub.
“I’m sorry. Next time you kick me, yes? And I wake up, go to bed.”
I laughed.
“I would never kick you. But you don’t remember?”
“Wow”, I said.
“I’m sorry”, he repeated.
“No problem!”, I said.
From his gorgeous blue eyes I believed that he was telling the truth. I contemplated telling him what happened, but it would only further embarrass him. Maybe I could tell him when he had been drinking more.
Martin carefully got Lukáš to leave the boat and we all got on a bus back to the hotel. It was decided that it was now Jakub’s turn to look after Lukáš, especially after the night before. On the bus, I sat with Martin. It was only a five minute ride, but he said he had something to tell me, which seemed serious.
“I have to tell you, that…”
He paused.
“I’m very happy with Jiři, I wouldn’t trade him in for the world. But before we met, I had a big crush on Lukáš.”
“Oh wow, I had no idea.”
“He’s… a great guy. He was everything I looked for. Except he’s straight.”
I nodded. I looked down.
“And seeing you and him interact, I… I feel like… it’s déjà vu for me. Except you’ve taken my place.”
I smiled. I realized Martin was looking out for me.
“The way you were cuddling this morning, the way he sits close to you, the way he immediately finds you when he can’t find a girl. That used to be me. And it fucked with my head a little bit.”
“I can understand.”
“Every time I thought it was going to go further, it didn’t. It never did. One time when he was really drunk and horny, he kissed me. But he always makes sure to hold back when we get too close. It took me a long time to realize what was happening. It was hard to move on from him, because like I said, he’s such a good guy. And then it took me quite a while to be able to be around him and not see him in… that way, if you know what I mean. So, I just want you to be careful.”
“I appreciate it so much, thanks a lot!”
I hugged him.
“I don’t feel like I really know him yet, because of the language barrier”, I said, “but I can see what you mean. He’s great. I’ll try not to get too attached.”
When we got back to the hotel, some of the guys wanted a nap, others wanted to hang out by the pool. I decided to go up to my room. I laid down in my bed and just thought about Lukáš and what Martin had said. I did feel like my attraction to Lukáš was mainly physical and I had always known it was very unlikely we would have sex or build a romantic relationship. I didn’t think I’d let it get so far as Martin had. I did admire Martin for his strength to still be a part of this intimate friend group and to be able to tell me. He was a great guy. It was a shame he was already taken.
At dinner, I wanted to give a toast. I thanked all four of the guys for continuing to include me in their group. I had been having so much fun and it had been great to get to know all four of their warm, unique personalities. All of the guys reacted in such a heartfelt manner. They thanked me for my toast and said it had been so much fun to have me join them.
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Jakub |
“She was not nice. She did not want touch very much. But she touch my, uhmm..”
He put his hands on his chest.
“Your chest?”, I tried.
“Your nipples?”, Martin guessed.
“Yes! She touch my nipples every time!”
I thought back of my early morning encounter with Jakub. His nipples were hypnotizing.
“You do have massive nipples”, Martin casually said just as he forked some food into his mouth.
Everyone at the table chuckled. We all knew it was true.
“You no like?”, Lukáš asked as he reached across the table and sensually touched Jakub’s nipple.
I had expected him to be less gentle, but he circled the nipple wonderfully.
“Yes, is quite nice actually.”
I noticed that Lukáš was feeling better after his nap, but it was clear he was still a little drunk. I was starting to worry a little bit as he continued to drink.
When we walked from the restaurant to the club, I discretely asked Tomáš if he was sure Lukáš doesn’t have a problem. He smiled.
“No. I know he is OK. He never drink, only on vacation. Has been tough year for him, so maybe is more than other times. But he OK, really.”
“Oh, did something bad happen?”
Tomáš looked back at the other guys who were walking behind us. They were being cheerful and loud. Lukáš just laughed loudly at something Martin had said. Tomáš looked back at me as we continued walking.
“He give, uhm… bone? His sister have little girl. Very sick. Lukáš have operation. For give… uhm… Don’t know. Transplantation?”
“He donated bone marrow?”
“Yes! Yes, I think. But didn’t work. Girl died. His… niece? She 7 years old.”
“Oh wow, that’s terrible.”
“Yes, is very emotional time. She die in June.”
That was two months ago.
“Thanks… Thanks for telling me.”
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Lukáš |
"You find sexy guy!”, he said.
“Yeah”, I smirked.
The conversation I had with Martin briefly crossed my mind. Then we entered the club and it was packed with handsome men.
We all had a great time as we danced together. I drank a bit more, and I noticed that the group stayed together, probably because Jakub and Lukáš knew not to look for girls in here. It was hot in the club, and lots of the guys there had their shirts off. Martin, Jakub, and then Lukáš followed suit. Lukáš then encouraged me to also take my shirt off. I obliged. Tomáš then couldn’t stay behind.
It was a hot night in more ways than one. We had to stay close together because the club was so crowded, and with everyone shirtless and slightly sweaty, I was having a great time. Lukáš especially was close to me. He would dance in front of me and shake his big butt into my crotch, laughing. I laughed along, even though really I found it quite a turn-on.
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Dani |
“Hey”, he said, extending his hand.
“Daniel. Call me Dani.”
His accent was clearly Hispanic.
“Frederico. Call me Fred”, I replied, smiling.
He smiled back.
I now noticed that all four of the Czechs were very obviously looking at us. I laughed.
“Can I buy you a drink?”, Dani asked me.
I noticed he already had a drink himself as he took my hand and guided me to the bar. When I passed Lukáš he made a gesture that told me ‘Go get ‘em!’.
Dani and I chatted while we were being served and we drank at the bar for a little bit. We got to know each other. I told him I was from the US and had randomly gotten together with this group of Czechs after my friend had to go back early. He said he was Cuban originally but now lived in mainland Spain. He was a nice guy, we had a good time getting to know each other. But I couldn’t help but look back into the crowd where I saw the Czechs. And specifically, Lukáš.
“Do you want to go back to your friends and dance for a while?”, Dani asked me, clearly aware of my wandering eye.
I nodded, smiling awkwardly. I had no time to think this through, but I was slowly realizing that my feelings for Lukáš weren’t just superficially physical. I tried to put it out of my mind, focus on Dani and just dance the night away.
Great Story