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Brian |
“Hey Jen, how are you?”
“Eddie! I am well, how about yourself?”
“I am actually in a coffeehouse working on chapter 6!”
I looked outside through the window. At 75 degrees (24 Celsius), it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the people walking past seemed cheerful. The upcoming weekend was 4th of July and it was like you could tell from the atmosphere. There was something in the air. All good vibes.
It had only been three weeks ago when I had told Jennifer I had been behind schedule when writing my book. As much as I had been looking forward to a break from teaching at Ohio State University and writing over the course of the summer, I’d had trouble focusing. Everything at home was distracting me.
Jennifer was happy to hear that I was back on schedule. I told her what it was that had done the trick. It had all been about finding the right location to work in.
When I had first seen Boone’s Beans Coffeehouse, I knew immediately it couldn’t have been there for very long. I knew the center of Mount Gilead like the back of my hand and I would have remembered a non-chain coffeeshop.
I remembered so well when I first walked in here. Although it’s located on quite a busy street, it had been quiet inside. I’d figured it might take some time for people to be aware that this had opened up. As I had looked around at the sleek but homey décor, my eye was caught by a man behind the counter with his back turned to me. A black T-shirt across his wide shoulders and light chinos that tightly covered the curve of his ass.
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Brian |
“Hey, good morning! How are you?”
His smile was perfect. He was perfect. His strawberry blond hair, the slight stubble on his jawline, his beefy build and his piercing blue eyes had me stumped for words.
“G-good morning”, I managed to blurt out.
“How can I help you?”
As he prepared my order, I had noticed his nametag. Brian. In a poor attempt to keep conversation, I tried to make a joke.
“Brian from Boone’s Beans? Is it store policy that everything starts with B?”
He smiled politely.
“It’s just my name. Brian Boone. It’s my coffeehouse.”
“Oh cool! Did you just open?”
Embarrassed by my lame joke, I quickly changed topics.
Brian had told me that his first day open had just been last week and that it had been a lifelong dream to own a coffeehouse one day. It did seem like his eyes had that extra sparkle when he talked about it.
When Brian handed me my coffee to go and a muffin, I’d thanked him and promised I would be back. I drove back to my house and settled in front of the computer. Both the coffee and the muffin were so good, I came back to Boone’s Beans with my laptop the next day to write.
Although being able to look at Brian as he worked had been kind of distracting at first, I quickly noticed I was getting into a groove. After only three hours I had written 6 pages. So I kept coming back more and more. I noticed the coffeehouse was getting busier and busier through the space of those weeks. Brian’s forehead shone with sweat regularly. But I knew I was watching his dream come true.
Jennifer loved hearing the story of how I had solved my writer’s block and reminded me of the date when I was supposed to send in my next draft. I thanked her for checking up on me and ended the call. The music continued in my ears.
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Brian |
“Thanks so much!”
“How is the book coming along?”, he asked, his smile making my tummy flutter.
“Great!”, I said. “I’ve gotten so much work done.”
“I am so glad to hear that!”
I was surprised he stuck around for an actual conversation, even though customers were looking ready to order.
“I, uhm…”, I stumbled. “I will make sure to name the coffeehouse in my Acknowledgements.”
Brian laughed. I smiled, but I meant it.
“You don’t need to do that”, he said, touching my shoulder.
“No, I want to. It has helped so much to be able to work here.”
“Well, I would be honored”, he said, before having to get back to work.
Of course I looked at his ass when he walked away.
That short interaction made me feel happy. I watched Brian working for a little longer. My gaydar had definitely been going off. Something about his mannerisms, a slight lisp, the way he took care of his appearance, the way he kept eye contact… Possibly all stereotypes, yet I couldn’t help but notice them.
It was rare to meet someone in Mount Gilead who seemed even remotely queer. Columbus was where I would regularly go out with friends to meet other gay and bi men. Although now that I was 35, I was making the trip less and less frequently. It would be nice to just randomly meet a queer man here, but I wasn’t fully sure about Brian just yet.
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Brian |
I closed my laptop and tried to put it away when Brian noticed.
“No please! I don’t wanna disturb you. I’m just cleaning up until my roommate picks me up to go to the gym. So you might as well stay.”
“You’re too kind! But I just finished a chapter.”
“Oh OK.”
We smiled at each other. He walked the broom over to my booth.
“Hey Eddie?”
“So, what’s the book about, actually?”
I, maybe just like him, just realized I had never told him.
“I’m a psychology professor at OSU”, I explained. “Hypnotherapy is one of my specialties. I am writing a self-help book about how people can use hypnosis to better their lives.”
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Brian |
I found it hard to read Brian’s expression. It was like he didn’t know how to
phrase what he was thinking.
“So… Hypnosis is real?”
“Yeah”, I chuckled.
“You’ve hypnotized people?”
“So many”, I said.
Brian frowned and blinked a few times.
“And it always works?”
“No, not always. Some people actively do not want to get hypnotized. Or they’re
afraid. Their conscious mind will not allow it. But I have exercises to help
people with boundaries like that and then it will work later on.”
Brian scratched the back of his head. He then balanced the broom against one of
the tables and came to sit across from me in the booth.
“And how can people better their lives with it?”
“Oh for so many things! It can help with anxiety and depression, sleeping
better, weight loss, motivation, confidence…”
I chuckled when I saw Brian processing all of this information.
“You probably only know hypnosis from movies?”, I asked.
“Yeah! Cartoons, superhero movies… I never thought it was real.”
“Well, people don’t actually get spirally eyes or anything. And there’s rarely
a pocket watch involved.”
Brian laughed.
“So how does it happen?”
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Brian |
“I mean, I could do a short demonstration if you want?”
Brian seemed hesitant.
“Is it a lot of work, I wouldn’t…”
“Oh it’s nothing”, I interjected, “just for a couple minutes. Even shorter if you’re not responsive.”
“Well, all right.”
Internally I was doing a little dance and I was already growing a chub. But outwardly, I just smiled.
“OK, cool.”
Brian put his strong, hairy forearms on the table.
“Actually”, I said, “sit back.”
He immediately followed my instruction.
“We’re really just going to relax for a while”, I said, smiling.
He smiled back.
I asked Brian to take a deep breath in, hold it for a while and let it out. His blue eyes looked right into mine as he was doing so. I now had a full-on boner. I told him to continue to breathe deeply as I asked him to relax his shoulders. I could immediately notice his posture changing. I asked him to focus on the air flowing in and out of his stomach as I gradually slowed down my speech.
I was surprised to find Brian’s mouth dropping open and his eyelids starting to flutter already. I had barely started. Without knowing anything about hypnosis, it turned out he was incredibly susceptible.
"You’ll notice how good it feels to listen to the sound of my voice, how easy it is to relax with me. You’ll find your eyes just get heavier and heavier until you just have to close them. And once you do, you can find yourself giving into this wonderfully relaxing feeling even more. My voice will just guide you as you allow yourself to sink. As the muscles in your body and the muscles in your face just go loose and limp. As your thoughts and worries just fade away.”
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Brian |
The power I now had over Brian was immense. My perverted side wanted to see what sexy suggestions he would respond to. I had learned however that most hypnotic subjects remember most or everything they experience under trance. So it could bite me in the ass once I woke him up. Plus, he had given me his trust as I was a professional. It would be best if I acted that way too.
I gave Brian the suggestion that tonight it would be easy for him to get into this state of relaxation again once he went to bed. That he would have the most wonderful night’s sleep and wake up so rested and refreshed tomorrow morning. Also, whenever he heard me and only me snap my fingers and say ‘Sleep’, he would instantly sink back down into the deep sleep he was currently in. It would feel so good to just let go drop down so deeply once again.
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Max |
The man was incredibly attractive. Black, bald head, some light facial hair. His brown eyes were gorgeous and somehow quite intense. His clingy blue T-shirt revealed his muscular pecs and arms. I nodded to him as I started to count Brian back up. The man continued to stand there and watch.
“Becoming more aware of your surroundings… and one, open your eyes, wide awake!”
Brian sat up straight and blinked a few times.
“Oh wow…”, he said, his voice croaky.
“How are you feeling?”, I asked.
“I think I nodded off there”, Brian smiled.
“What do you mean?”
“I guess you were about to do hypnosis on me? But I must have fallen asleep, I don’t remember anything.”
My mind was blown. Spontaneous post-hypnotic amnesia. I had not given Brian any suggestion to forget. His mind had been switched off to such an extent, he didn’t consciously remember being in trance at all.
Brian looked at me and shrugged.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I don’t think it worked.”
I was about to tell him what my theory was when suddenly he looked to his left and saw the man who was still watching us.
The man waved at Brian.
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Max |
“Come in, silly!”
“Eddie, this is my roommate Max.”
We shook hands. He was short but very wide and muscular. I was impressed as I looked him up and down.
“What were you guys doing?”, Max wanted to know.
He turned to Brian.
“Were you getting hypnotized?”
“I think that was the plan”, Brian answered. “But I don’t think it worked.”
“Aww that’s a shame”, Max replied. “I’ve always been interested by all that hypnosis stuff. Are you like a professional hypnotist?”
I smiled.
“I’m a psychology professor. But I have done a lot of hypnosis before.”
“So cool!”
Max sat down in the booth across from me as Brian picked up the broom.
“Hey Max, we should get going”, Brian suggested. “I’m sure Eddie wants to get home by now.”
“That’s OK”, I said.
Max wanted to know more about what I had done. Brian begrudgingly sat next to him in the booth as I answered Max’s questions. In my mind I couldn’t help but think back to how Brian had just looked. His body limp, his face sleepy, his mind blank.
I suddenly snapped my fingers.
Brian’s eyes instantly rolled up and his mouth fell open wide. His body fell to his left, his head landing on Max’s shoulder.
Max looked at Brian, wide-eyed, and then at me.
“Fuck yeah!”
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