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Brian |
I looked around the coffeehouse and saw the line of people waiting to get their order. Brian’s forehead was shiny with sweat. He would soon need to hire extra help. However, it was so cool to see his dream becoming a reality in front of my own eyes.
I smiled when I thought back to the weekend. I had been at the fairgrounds with friends, waiting for the 4th of July fireworks display, when I suddenly spotted them.
“Hey!”, Max had called out, spotting me at the same time.
I hadn’t expected him to come in for a hug, as we had only met once. Brian then also gave me a hug. Both of their muscled bodies had felt great against mine. They both also smelled like they had been drinking.
Brian had apologized to me for questioning my area of expertise, and then questioning if I had hypnotized him. He told me Max had told him what had happened and that there was no denying he had gotten hypnotized. I had smiled and thanked him, though I also said that it wasn’t strange that he had been skeptical. After all, he hadn’t even remembered anything from being under hypnosis.
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Max |
Thinking about Brian and Max as roommates was already pretty hot. The alternative was even hotter. I couldn’t blame them for trying to be discrete in a small Midwestern town, but I wanted to know more without coming across invasive.
The images in my head were definitely distracting me from finishing my draft. I shook it off and got back to work. Soon I realized that if I worked hard today, I might be able to send it in today and have a few days to relax. Dangling that reward in front of my own face made me so motivated.
I smiled. Jen’s e-mail address at Book, Line & Sinker Publishing was easily found. I pressed ‘Send’. I did it. My draft was done early. I exhaled as I felt my shoulders drop and closed the laptop. I looked around and noticed the coffeehouse was empty again.
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Brian |
“Very”, I smiled.
I put my laptop in the bag and figured I would get out of Brian’s hair. Although then I realized I had no reason to come back here for quite a few days.
“I, uhm… I sent in a draft of the book.”
“Congratulations!”, Brian reached out and grabbed my shoulder. “That means you’re almost done, right?”
“Well, I guess most of the work is behind me”, I said. “But I can take a break for a while till I get the feedback.”
“Oh, good! Go out and enjoy the summer!”
Brian’s smile was sexy and infectious.
“So that means you’re not going to be at your regular table for a while?”, he then asked.
“I promise I’ll stop by for an ice coffee in the meantime”, I chuckled.
Brian laughed.
Just then, Max entered the coffeehouse.
“Oh hey! Eddie the hypnotist!”
I laughed. Again, he came in for a hug.
“I am so glad you’re here”, Max said, “Would you mind if I ask you some questions about hypnosis?”
We went to sit in the nearest booth.
“I never knew you were so interested in all this, Max”, Brian said as he flipped the sign on the door.
“I was hypnotized in a show like ages ago”, he replied, “and it always fascinated me then. I just forgot about it until I met this guy, I guess.”
Max pointed at me and smiled.
“I did wonder why I never heard you talk about it”, Brian said as he went behind the counter and started putting clean cups on the shelves.
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Max |
“That stage hypnotist said I was extremely susceptible, what does that mean?”
“It means you easily go into hypnosis.”
“Oh I see. Is that why he got me to go on stage?”
“Yeah! He probably selected you because he knew you would be likely to follow his instructions and make for a good show.”
“How? How did he know?”
“Didn’t he do some exercise beforehand?”
“Oh the arm thing?”
“Could be!”
“I remember now.”
“So all he really did was talk to us, I think. No props.”
“Yeah props are pretty rare. Things like a pendant or a spiral can be used for a subject to focus their attention on a moving object, which can help relax the rest of the mind. But a stage hypnotist won’t use that.”
He nodded.
“Is it used in hypnotherapy?”
“No, I don’t think ever. Or very rarely. As far as I know, just in movies.”
Max chuckled.
“But they can legit help?”
“Yeah, sure.”
Max took out his phone.
“Because I was looking for hypnosis on YouTube and I found all of these spiral things…”
“Oh, yeah”, I said.
“Do those work?”
“Sure, they can.”
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Max |
“Oh, wow… I’m…”
His eyes all of a sudden became so focused.
“The, uhm…”
All that came out of Max’s mouth was soft mumbling. There was no sound coming out of his phone. It seemed like just the spiral was entrancing him. Or he was just joking around.
When a trail of drool started coming out from between his beautiful, slightly parted lips, I started to believe he was for real. Max was clearly very susceptible to hypnosis, much like his roommate Brian. And it was so hot to watch. I casually let my hand go down to my crotch as Brian was still busy behind the counter and Max’s focus was fully on the video.
Max’s eyes then rolled up and immediately after his entire body fell back until it hung limply in the seat. His eyes were now closed. He had dropped his phone on the table. Now Brian looked our way. He smiled and suddenly seemed quite interested as well. He put down the cups and walked towards us.
Just then, Max’s eyes started blinking again.
“Uhh… oh.”
He immediately realized what had happened.
“I actually didn’t mean to get hypnotized just now.”
I chuckled.
“OK, now I’m also interested”, Brian said, as he made Max scoot over.
Max explained to Brian what had just happened.
“Can people just accidentally get hypnotized?”, Brian wanted to know.
“Most people cannot. Maybe only very suggestible people, or trained subjects. For the overwhelming majority of people it is a conscious decision. Although everyone does accidentally go into lower levels of trance every now and then. Like when you find yourself just randomly staring at something.”
“Oh, yeah!”
More questions kept coming, especially from Max, but now Brian also seemed interested. I again listed the reasons people use hypnotherapy.
“It can help increase people’s confidence levels?”
Max seemed surprised.
Max looked at Brian.
“What?”, Brian wanted to know.
Max was clearly thinking about something.
“OK, so Brian gets a little shy sometimes…”, he started. “Could you increase his confidence?”
“Sure”, I said, looking at Brian, who was suddenly hiding his face behind his hand. “I don’t see him as shy at all though.”
“Yeah… I guess I meant… sexually.”
“Babe!”, Brian turned to face Max.
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Brian |
“So Brian was raised in a very religious environment and I feel like it affects our relationship.”
Brian went back to hiding his face as he seemed embarrassed.
“For example, he isn’t open about his sexuality to people, sometimes until he has known them for years. And also, in the bedroom, he…”
I saw Brian’s eyes widen.
“Please don’t say it.”
“He’s not as… open, let’s say.”
“Oh God.”
Although it was kind of fun to see the dynamic between Brian and Max, now that I knew for sure that they were together, I had to think about Max’s question. I guess it would be possible to hypnotize someone into being more open sexually to some extent. Maybe especially with someone as suggestible as Brian. Unless he were to resist.
“So? Do you think you could do that?”
“Well, Brian has to agree to this happening first, of course.”
Max turned to his boyfriend. Brian was looking down at the table. He seemed mortified.
“I, uhm… I know Max doesn’t like this part of me… And I guess I don’t like this part of me either. It’s just… To me, it’s a lot that you know intimate details of our relationship. That’s a lot to me. I guess that’s part of the problem, too.”
I was surprised to find myself in what wasn’t far from a therapy setting. We were in that stage where we were defining the problem. And I wasn’t even really a hypnotherapist. I just taught students about how hypnosis worked and wrote a book about how people can use it. Actual therapy was a whole new ballgame.
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Brian |
Brian, Max, and I were all in our thirties. Carrying around things from our upbringing wasn’t uncommon though.
“Hey Brian”, I started. “I was raised in a very religious environment as well. I took my sweet time to come out as well. I was so ashamed of who I was, but I grew out of it. It’s not easy, and it’s a process. But it’s worth it.”
Brian’s face lit up.
“You’re… gay?”
I smiled.
“Cool. That already makes things easier”, he said.
A few days later, I visited Brian and Max at their home on High Street. It was pretty cool to know about other gay people in Mount Gilead, Ohio. I could only hope we could be friends, regardless of what would happen.
Both Brian and Max welcomed me inside their home with a hug. They sat me down on the sofa with some iced tea. The last time I had seen them, in the coffeehouse, I had promised to look into ways to help Brian let go of his past. We had swapped phone numbers and Max in the meantime had been texting me more examples of how he wanted Brian to be more open. The texts were about things that maybe were more difficult to say in front of Brian.
‘Brian never initiates sex.’
‘I would like Brian to wear a jockstrap in the bedroom but he refuses.’
‘I can tell he loves to bottom for me, but he is so quiet and matter-of-fact whenever we have sex, it makes me enjoy it less.’
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Max |
I figured I would start with making sure Brian felt less shame about his sexuality.
“And then I would hope that would affect the rest as well”, I explained to them.
They both nodded. I made sure to preface that I wasn’t actually a hypnotherapist, but that I was willing to give it a try.
“You will be rewarded with free coffees whether it works or not”, Brian smiled.
I explained that I would first like to work on Brian alone. Max decided to go for a drive to the store. Once Brian and I were alone, I made him comfortable first by explaining what I was about to do. I also asked him what his memories were that he felt were impacting him the most when it came to feeling shame about his sexuality.
He seemed nervous at first, but he soon relaxed. Once I saw he was at ease, I started the hypnosis session. Even more so than when I hypnotized him in the coffeehouse a week ago, Brian responded to the hypnosis very quickly.
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Brian |
I tried my best to give Brian’s subconscious mind suggestions that would hopefully repair the damage of being told that his sexuality is abnormal, shameful, or dirty.
“Your sexuality is a part of you that you don’t have to hide. It is normal, even though there will sometimes be people who will make you think that it isn’t. Their judgment is not relevant. It should not impact how you live your life.”
I tried my best to negate Brian’s specific insecurities as his beautiful body was in front of me. It was so hot to watch Brian completely under hypnosis. His eyes every now and then rolling up out of nowhere, his muscular body completely limp on the sofa, his blank, sleepy face, his conscious mind unaware. It made it tough to do this hypnotherapy, as I had to ignore my own boner. But as we continued, I felt quite satisfied.
When I counted Brian back up, it was clear he had been deeply hypnotized. He had to blink a few times and looked at me for a while before he remembered why I was in his house.
“Oh hey”, he said with a croaky voice. “Did it go well?”
“I think so!”
“I don’t remember anything”, he confessed.
“But do you feel good?”
He suddenly smiled.
“Yeah! I feel really good!”
Once Max came home, I explained that it may take a few more sessions before they could really tell a difference, but that I hoped that we had taken the first steps today. I promised I would be back, as I knew I would have a few more days until I had to get back to work on my book.
As I drove home, I was relieved Brian and Max didn’t question why I was doing this for free. I knew that once I got home I was definitely going to jerk off to the image of Brian completely hypnotized.
Once I had finally relieved myself, showered and was watching TV, I got a text from Max.
‘It is definitely working already.’
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Brian |
It was definitely a hot picture and I knew Max could just have told me what was happening. He must have had another motive for sending me the picture. Like, he wanted me to get turned on by it. I hesitated what I should text back.
‘You’ve got one hot boyfriend there. Glad you can see the difference so quickly. Have fun!’
I licked my lips and reached inside my underwear for a second time this evening.
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