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Adam |
I laughed. Kimberly and I were walking down the street, looking for a place to have lunch.
She had such a fun, quirky personality and I felt like I had made a friend for life.
Earlier this morning, after breakfast in the hotel, we got too curious about the other person’s song. We went to her room and she played a piano version of ‘Obvious Feelings’, just for me. It was a very danceable tune that was so catchy, it was still in my head now, hours later. She had played the piano and sung at the same time flawlessly as well. I was in awe of her. She was an inspiration. I had only heard one other competing song, but I had already decided she should win.
It was then my turn to play ‘A Fantasy of More’ to her. I was nervous. I had never played for just one person before. And a very talented person at that. I took a deep breath again and closed my eyes. I started and tried to imagine I was at home. I couldn’t look at Kim, because I knew that would make me more nervous. By the time I finished, I looked up and a tear was rolling halfway down her face.
“That… that was magic right there”, she had said with a trembling voice.
It had been the highest compliment.
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Matt |
“So who did you talk to last night? I did lose you for a little while.”
I smiled. For most of the opening dinner we had stuck together. We had both chatted with Matt from Tennessee, who had just been so tall and charming. Over breakfast we had already agreed we both had a little crush on him.
But at a later point, while Kim had gone to the bathroom, I spotted Frank. Frank is the one who had come up to me after my performance on the open mic night in Providence. That seemed ages ago.
“He told me he is responsible for like 10 or 12 of the performances, make sure they look good on camera and stuff. He also helped pick the songs and artists for all of those states as well. That older guy that gave a speech, the executive producer? That’s his boss.”
“Oh right, I think I have a producer like that as well. Janine. She was at my audition.”
Our burgers arrived.
“Did you ask why there wasn’t an audition process in your state?”, Kim wanted to know.
“Well, turns out there was! He just didn’t like the people who auditioned enough.”
I looked at Kim taking a bite out of her burger.
“He had put together a panel for the process and some of them even said that they thought they should still pick from the bunch that applied. But Frank refused. So he went looking for talent.”
“And he found you!”, Kim said with her mouth full.
I laughed.
“See, I knew it was more prestigious that you were asked.”
“That or time was running out, who knows?”
Kim looked disappointed.
“You gotta be more confident, Adam!”
“I know, I know.”
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Adam |
“Did you talk to anyone who is singing tonight?”
“No”, Kim said, “though if I was, I’d probably have had a quick bite last night and went to bed early to be rested.
“Yeah, same.”
“It’s only going to be like 5 judges in the audience and all the fellow competitors.”
“Yeah, I read that too. And the theatre is quite big, right?”
“That could be awkward.”
“Sold out show on Saturday though.”
“Oh, I want to be on that stage so bad!”, Kim said.
“You will be!”
“I meant on Saturday.”
“Yep, you will be!”
Kim smiled.
“I also read that those who don’t get picked for the final show leave the hotel the next morning?”, I mentioned.
“Yeah, isn’t that harsh?”
“But also, that means by the time I perform the crowd will be even smaller.”
Kim laughed.
“I hadn’t thought about that.”
Kim talked more about how badly she wanted this. She had been a receptionist for five years now, performing on the side. And she was so ready. She said she didn’t need to win, as long as this competition gave her enough exposure to start performing more and start doing it for a living. I wanted nothing more than for her to achieve that.
After lunch, we walked back to the hotel. Kim put her arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder.
“Whatever happens, I am so happy we met”, she said.
“Me too, Kim”, I said.
“Friends call me Kimmy”, she said.
“Do I call you Kimmy?”
“Yes please.”
That afternoon, Kimmy wanted to rehearse her vocals in her hotel room. I went to my room as well. When I laid down on the bed, a tune suddenly popped in my head. I grabbed my guitar. The inspiration for the lyrics was coming from Kimmy. I was laying the groundworks for a song. Working title: ‘You Deserve This’.
After dinner, it was time for the Monday heat. It was so surreal that this was now really happening. We entered the theatre and it was just beautiful. So impressive. There was an orchestra to the left of the stage. I was both nervous and excited to stand on that stage soon. There were 1,600 seats. It was now practically empty. Most people sat at the front. Kimmy and I decided to sit a little further back from everyone.
There was a host, who was not going to be the TV host for Saturday. He introduced himself as John Walz. He was unknown to me, I doubted he was a TV guy at all. Then he introduced the five judges, who independently from each other would make a ranking of tonight’s ten performances. John explained that these full rankings would be kept secret, but they would be tabulated by an independent notary. By the end of each night the top 3 would be announced in a random order. I didn’t recognize any of the names or faces of the judges, Kimmy knew of two names.
“Big music industry people.”
And then it was on to the ten performances. This was not broadcasted, but the performances were still recorded by three cameras. Because it wasn’t a TV show, something about the evening was very dry. Nothing flashy, just getting on with what was the plan.
“Onto our first performer”, John said. “Song number 1, ‘Leap of Faith’. Please welcome Ben Shephard, representing Missouri!”
That was it. John walked off, Ben walked on. People applauded. He looked very nervous.
“I’m so happy I’m not the very first one, that’s terrifying”, I whispered to Kimmy.
“I would have shat myself the second I drew that lot”, Kimmy replied.
I kept my laughter in.
Ben stood at the mic with a guitar. He looked at the conductor and gave him a nod. The conductor started off the song. It was a nice song, it could totally be on the radio. Ben sang it well, despite the nervous look on his face. He only smiled once he had finished. People applauded again.
“Thank you”, he said and he walked off stage.
“That was Ben Shephard for Missouri”, John said as he walked back on. “Song number 2, ‘A Sudden Disappearance’. Representing Utah, please welcome: Rebecca Jackson!”
Rebecca looked beautiful in a red, sparkly dress. I remembered seeing her walk around during the opening dinner. She was so charismatic, it was hard to look away before she even started singing. Once the music started, she immediately belted out a big note.
“Holy shit”, Kimmy whispered.
Rebecca sang the roof off with a gospel-inspired song. I was so impressed she wrote that by herself.
And the more people came on, the more impressed I was with the quality level. There was a quirky girl from Alabama who played the ukulele as she sang. Her name was Liz. Together with Rebecca they were the standouts of the night.
Once all ten people had performed, they stood in a line. The host was handed an envelope. Next to him sat the bowl with lots that we had seen the day before when we got to the hotel.
“First song to qualify for Saturday… is… song number 9, ‘Lessons Or Lies’! Louis Emmert from New Jersey!”
Louis clenched his fists as his competitors looked at him and applauded. He had a rock song that was quite powerful and he had performed it with such ease. It kinda made sense. I hoped to analyze what it was the judges would be looking for. Louis had to walk to the host where there was a short interview. Ben from Missouri, standing all the way to the left was so nervous for the rest of the results, I could see him fidgeting and biting his lip.
Louis had to draw a number from the bowl and he would be performing 12th on the TV show on Saturday. John continued. He looked back at his envelope.
“Song number 5, ‘My Dancing Days’! Liz Appleton from Alabama!”
“Ukulele girl!”, I whispered to Kimmy.
“Very deserved”, she said.
As John interviewed Liz, I noticed the eight people left standing were very uncomfortable.
“I don’t like that they do the interviews in between, making everyone wait”, Kimmy said.
“I know, right?”
John clearly liked asking Liz questions, she had a fun personality. When she finally drew the number 14, it was time to find out the last name.
I watched Ben. He was visibly shaking.
“Song number 2, ‘A Sudden Disappearance’! Rebecca Jackson for Utah!”
Ben started crying but smiled through the tears. It was Rebecca, who stood right next to him. They hugged. Rebecca walked over to John, wiping a tear from her own eye.
“Please give it up for these 7 incredible artists!”, John said as he gestured to the people still standing in line. “Remember their names!”
All seven of them looked to be in different stages of disappointment. They had gotten so far. Louis, Liz and Rebecca clapped and cheered for them. It looked like they were all friends.
“Two powerful performances and the original quirky one”, Kimmy whispered to me while John interviewed Rebecca.
I realized my song and performance were much more low key.
“Yeah. Not sure we can draw any conclusions just yet though. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.”
There was an afterparty in the lobby. Kimmy had her first rehearsal the next morning. We decided to stay for one drink. One by one, the performers of the first heat appeared. Those who had been selected as well as those who hadn’t. Everyone was approached by others to either comfort or celebrate them. I stood at a high table with Kimmy.
“Nervous for tomorrow?”
“Not at all. Excited to stand on that stage! Excited to hear how the orchestra will execute my song! The nervousness will happen when it’s for realsies.”
I laughed. That made sense. For me, however, the nerves had already started. Was I going to measure up to all of the talent in this lobby? I didn’t want to sound needy and insecure, so I kept my thoughts inside.
Kimmy finished her drink before I did.
“OK, I’m heading up. I’ll text you how it went.”
“Awesome. Sleep well.”
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Matt |
“Oh, hey!”, I said.
“What did you think of tonight?”
“Some great songs and performers. And I just love that it’s really started now. Only a few days before it’s our turn!”
“I know, so exciting!”
There was a short silence. Matt was gorgeous and so sweet. 6’2’’, a beautiful smile. But maybe a little boring. I wanted nothing more than to go to my room, get lots of sleep and start rehearsing in the morning. Just as I was about to turn to Matt to excuse myself, he spotted someone in the crowd.
“Oh hey, Daniel!”
Matt gestured this guy to come over. And the closer he came, the hotter he was. Brown hair, green eyes. A baby blue button-up shirt.
“Daniel, this is Adam.”
We shook hands. He had one of those smiles. I was immediately weak in my knees. How had I not seen him around so far? Sexiest guy here by far. I was willing to stay for another drink as long as he was around.
“It’s Daniel’s turn tomorrow”, Matt explained.
“Oh wow”, I said, “Nervous?”
“Not really. Looking forward to having some fun on that stage. Shame I only get to do one song.”
He was confident. He winked at me. There was something sexy and naughty that exuded from him. Either just naturally, or it was something he was putting on for me.
“Well, I look forward to seeing you.”
“Yes, please clap and cheer so loudly I’ll forget it’s an almost empty theatre.”
I laughed.
“I’ll give it my best shot.”
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Daniel |
In the elevator he said he was from Philly.
“Opposite sides of New York”, I smiled.
“Rhode Island.”
The elevator doors opened to his floor.
“It was nice meeting you”, Daniel said as he wrapped an arm around me.
It surprised me. I leaned in and he kissed me on the cheek.
“Well, I look forward to seeing you”, he said, quoting me as he left the elevator.
I chuckled.
“Good night Adam!”, he said just as the doors started to close.
“Good night.”
Butterflies exploded all throughout my body. I felt my cheeks hurt from smiling. That was unexpected. But what did it mean? He better not just be playing with me.
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