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Daniel |
I slept late. I got hungry so I quickly threw some clothes on to get breakfast downstairs. All I wanted was to get back upstairs and practice ‘A Fantasy of More’. I didn’t see anyone I knew and it was kind of for the better. This morning, Kimmy was doing her first rehearsal and the first people had been sent home. The nerves were starting to get to me.
I noticed the screen with all of the names by reception. I almost passed it but something caught my eye. Harshly, the Monday line-up had disappeared. Saturday had appeared on the right hand side with a longer list down to 15, in bold. Only three names were filled in, on spots 2, 12 and 14. I smiled at the idea of my or Kimmy’s name in that right hand column.
Tuesday was now on the far left. I spotted Daniel immediately. Opening the show. ‘Song 1: A Midnight Stroll. Daniel Novotny - Pennsylvania.’ He would be up against Lindsay and that guy Max that I had only spoken two words to at the airport.
Most importantly: I had Daniel’s last name. I found him on Instagram. I quickly went back upstairs. I scrolled through his photos. A photo with a puppy made my heart melt. Other photos were just really sexy.
I wanted to have this morning to rehearse in my hotel room. After two run-throughs I got distracted easily. I laid down on my bed and scrolled through Daniel’s Instagram, making sure not to double tap. He would know that I had looked him up and I didn’t want to come across too eager. I figured it would be too soon to follow him as well. Needless to say, I didn’t rehearse as much as I had wanted to, I got too distracted. Though I had written a chorus about Daniel. It was called ‘Butterflies’.
That night, I was excited to see the second heat. Kimmy had texted me by the end of the morning that being on stage had been awesome. During dinner, she couldn’t stop talking about it. I was happy to get more of a lowdown of what to expect, as my first rehearsal was going to be the next day.
Only when we started moving towards the theatre could I tell Kimmy about my moment with Daniel.
“Oh wow, that’s so exciting!”
We again sat somewhere away from everyone else, so we could whisper without being heard.
John was back, and this time the show went underway even quicker. The judges didn’t need to be introduced. So before I knew it, Kimmy was able to see my new crush as John introduced Daniel.
“OK, very sexy!”, Kim whispered in approval.
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Daniel |
‘Jazz?!’ she mouthed.
Daniel’s voice was so smooth and slick and he moved so confidently about the stage. His smile lit up the massive, mainly empty room. The melodies and riffs were so gorgeous. He had used the orchestra flawlessly.
‘When your smile is this bright
All I can do is fall
You and me in the moonlight
During this midnight stroll’
The song ended on a short, accented note. Daniel took a pose and held it. People clapped and cheered.
“We’re all fucked”, Kimmy said.
I laughed. Daniel smiled. He was so charismatic. Kimmy thought he had a good chance of winning. I wondered if she was right.
The rest of the night I kept seeing such talented people and hearing such amazing songs. Lindsay was 7th to perform. Her long, black curly hair rested on her shoulders. Her beautiful orange dress accentuated her chest. She looked like such a natural and experienced performer.
Her song was a big ballad that reminded me of Whitney Houston.
“I don’t really like her but I have to admit, it’s a great song and she can sing it well”, Kimmy whispered to me.
I had never warmed to her as a person either, but she was very talented.
Max was the penultimate performer. He had a cute upbeat country song and he performed it well. He was a very charismatic singer. I wondered if he would make it.
All ten of them stood in a line and Daniel stood out just by his outfit. I really wanted him to make it to the TV show, just so he would be in LA longer. He didn’t seem nervous in the slightest. Neither did Lindsay. Max however, couldn’t stand the wait.
“Song number 7, Better Off. Lindsay Hill for Arizona!”
People applauded. Lindsay was an obvious choice for Saturday.
“I knew I was supposed to go down this path. So I had a good feeling this was coming. Everything happens for a reason”, she said in her interview with John.
“I still don’t like her”, Kimmy told me.
“I know”, I replied.
“Song number 1, A Midnight Stroll. Daniel Novotny for Pennsylvania!”
“YES!”, I cheered.
Kimmy laughed and clapped along with me.
“Now you have time to fuck each other!”, she said.
I laughed so hard.
Daniel smiled. He gave a double-hand kiss to the eight remaining performers in the line as he walked over to John.
“I knew I was going to be a bit of an odd duck around here”, he told John, “but I thank the judges for seeing something in me.”
“He is so cute”, Kimmy said.
Max was dying out there.
“And finally… Song 10, An Endless Night! Mariano Oliveros for Texas!”
Max swallowed and clapped for the hunky guy next to him, who could make his way over to John. I clapped and realized I would likely be in his position two nights from now. In 24 hours, it would be Kimmy’s turn. Though I felt confident she would nail it.
Kimmy and I went to the afterparty.
“Nervous yet?”, I asked her.
“Not really, but slightly more than before.”
A few of the night’s performers started coming into the lobby, Max one of them. He seemed at peace with it on the outside, though he must have been disappointed. Greg was buying him drinks.
“Isn’t that wild? He’s flying home tomorrow morning”, I said to Kimmy.
“Wow. Yeah.”
Lindsay came in and some people started applauding. She really made her entrance as she took a bow and waved. It made me chuckle, but Kimmy and I joined the applause.
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Daniel |
“Do you wanna go say hi?”, Kimmy asked.
“I was really feeling the nerves this morning”, I told Kimmy.
“Aww”, she said as she rubbed my back.
“But I was too distracted to rehearse in my room”, I chuckled.
She laughed.
“You’re stage rehearsing tomorrow, right?”, Kimmy asked me.
“Yeah. 12.30.”
“I’m sure it will help calm your nerves once you’ve been on that stage.”
“I hope so.”
Daniel came up to us. I hugged him to congratulate him and then introduced him to Kimmy.
“That was an amazing performance”, Kimmy told him.
“Thanks, that’s so nice.”
Daniel stood close to me and put an arm around me.
“What did you think?”
I turned to face him and we were so close our noses almost touched.
“I thought you did great”, I said softly, looking into his beautiful eyes.
He smiled and then chuckled as we kept eye contact for a few seconds.
“Thanks”, he said as he finally looked down.
“I really think you blew everyone away”, Kimmy added.
Matt came to our high table with a bunch of drinks.
“Hey y’all!”, he said.
I could tell he was thrilled for his friend. He even handed me and Kimmy a drink.
“Wow, thanks man!
Lindsay also came to our table and we all congratulated her.
“Thanks, you guys! Did you enjoy the show?”
“Yeah, it was a great night!”, Matt answered.
Kimmy and I realized Lindsay was likely referring to her own performance, moreso than the rest of the night. But Daniel and Matt might not know her so well.
“Especially proud of my boy right here”, Matt continued as he wrapped his arm around Daniel’s neck and pulled him in for a hug. Because Daniel was about 5’9’’ and Matt 6’2’’, Daniel’s face ended up against Matt’s chest. I smiled. They must be really good friends. Or were they more?
This thought was interrupted by Lindsay.
“Better be careful being so touchy around this guy”, she said.
I turned to face her. She was looking at me.
“What did you just say?”, Kimmy asked.
I felt myself get warm. I clenched my fist. I was angry, but I couldn’t move or speak.
“He’s gay, they might not know that”, Lindsay replied.
“What century are you living in?”, Matt said.
He had let go of Daniel and turned towards Lindsay. He looked quite angry. His tone was quite confrontational. I hadn’t come out to Matt, it might have been brand new information to him. But I liked how he came to my defense, seemingly without a doubt in his mind.
“Or maybe you two are gay as well, I don’t know. Just thought you should know.”
“I am not. I just don’t appreciate you insinuating my friend is predatory just because he’s gay.”
Matt had seemed like such a gentle giant, right up until this moment. I kind of liked him more now.
“OK, wow… Sorry!”
Lindsay took her drink, turned around and wandered off.
“You OK?”, Daniel asked me.
“Yeah. Thanks guys.”
I looked around. Daniel, Kimmy, Matt. They were great. They were my friends. As they all looked at me, I just wanted the spotlight off of me. I looked at Kimmy and it was like she knew how I felt.
“So, Matt… That was crazy hot. I love myself an ally.”
We all laughed.
The four of us had another drink and the mood was great.
“I’m having so much fun, you guys, but it’s my turn tomorrow. So, I need a good night’s sleep”, Kimmy said once she had emptied her glass.
“Yeah, early morning rehearsal here”, Matt then said.
“Early afternoon for me, but yeah… Bedtime”, I agreed.
“I kinda wanna continue celebrating”, Daniel said, “but I have three more nights to celebrate.”
We laughed, downed the rest of our drinks and went to the elevator.
Kimmy and Matt walked ahead and I saw Kimmy’s demeanor towards him. She was still sort of flirty with him. I felt a hand around my elbow, softly squeezing.
It was Daniel.
“Is it OK if I… celebrate a bit longer? With you? In your room?”
I looked at him. I hadn’t seen this coming. Shouldn’t I focus more on my stage rehearsal tomorrow?
“Uhh. Yeah. Sure?”
His smile spoke volumes. We were going to have sex.
As I pressed the button for the 7th floor, and Daniel didn’t press 3rd for his floor, Matt smiled. I noticed that Kimmy’s floor, 9, wasn’t lit up either. They were going to Matt’s room on the 6th floor.
“Well, well, well”, Daniel then said.
We laughed and the doors opened for Matt and Kimmy.
“Have fun!”, Daniel said.
“If I don’t see you, kill it tomorrow”, I told Kimmy as I hugged her.
“You too”, she smiled.
The doors closed and opened again, one floor up. I looked at Daniel and he looked at me. His smile made my groin stir.
“Let’s go”, he said.
I walked him to my room and opened the door for him.
“Oh good, you’re just as messy as me”, he said.
I chuckled. He walked to my window to check the view. I sat on the bed to take my shoes off.
“So was Kim in your group at the airport?”, he asked.
“Matt was in mine. We just immediately bonded.”
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Daniel |
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“No… no, no. Not at all.”
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to, I… I just didn’t want the night to end yet, that’s all.”
“I get it”, I said.
He walked over and sat next to me at the foot of the bed.
“I do think you’re very sexy though”, he said, his face inches from mine.
I put my hand on Daniel’s cheek. We kept eye contact.
“You’re absolutely beautiful yourself”, I said softly.
I leaned in to kiss him. Daniel’s hand immediately went onto my chest and shoulders. He moaned as he kissed me back.
“God you’re big”, he mumbled as he squeezed my shoulder.
I was convinced he was more muscular than me as we continued kissing.
Daniel took my shirt off and started kissing my chest. He pushed me back on the bed, straddled me on all fours as he kissed my chest and stomach. I out hands behind my head and I could feel my cock throbbing inside my jeans.
Daniel smiled at me again. Such a naughty energy exuded from him. It was hot. He opened my jeans and saw my cock yearning to break free from the green designer briefs.
“Fuck”, he said, “I don’t know if I can take all of that tonight.”
I smiled. Somehow I hadn’t expected him to assume to bottom.
“That’s OK. We can do whatever.”
“I’ll definitely try though.”
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Daniel |
“Let me blow you”, Daniel said.
He travelled down to my crotch and pulled down my briefs. He sucked on my thick 9 inch cock as he kicked his jeans off to the floor. He moaned as he blew me and shortly said, “Yeah, that’s a good dick you got there”. He looked at me as he licked the length of my shaft.
At one point I got so hard and so horny, I wanted to see all of Daniel’s body.
“Sit back”, I told him, gesturing to the head of the bed, “so I can suck your dick.”
“OK”, he said, smiling.
He did as he was told and sat with his back against the headboard, slipping off his underwear. His beautiful, veiny hard dick slapped against his stomach. I laid down on my side by his right leg and took his cock in my mouth.
“Oh! Oh fuck”, he said.
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Daniel |
“Fuck!”, he exclaimed. “Please fuck me!”
I came up for air and looked at Daniel. He was breathing heavily and his eyes were full of desire. He took my face in his hands and he brought me closer to kiss me.
After a passionate kiss, Daniel got up on all fours. His smooth butt was beautiful. I kissed it a few times. His hole was tight and lightly hairy. I ate him out, but soon he was asking for my cock. I slowly penetrated his ass.
“Oh!”, he exclaimed. “Oh!!”
The second exclamation had him raising his voice with an octave.
“Ohh! Ahh!”
His moans were so high-pitched they were becoming more like cries.
“Do you like my dick?”, I asked, to make sure.
“It’s fucking fantastic!”
I smiled.
I am pretty sure Daniel woke up the people next door, he was so loud. He was completely lost in the moment.
“I am cumming!”, he suddenly announced.
I couldn’t see, but by his body twitching a few times and his loud moans I could tell he shot a load into the duvet.
I stopped thrusting my cock into his ass, but just let my cock rest inside his hole. I bent forward and kissed his neck.
“That was hot”, I whispered.
“We’re not done”, he said.
I chuckled.
He took my cock out of his hole and went to lay on his back, his arms over his head. I saw how his cum had shot out in long spurts, staining the duvet. I entered Daniel’s hole again and his forehead wrinkled. His cock had remained hard. I saw it flopping against his stomach with each of my thrusts.
“Uh! Uh! Uh!”, he moaned exactly in my rhythm.
His mouth was open as he looked straight at me. His facial expression a combination of ecstasy and surprise.
I couldn’t help but pick up the pace.
“Fuck yes! Uh! Uh! Uh! You’re hitting the spot! You’re… Uhhhhhh!”
In what I felt like was only a few minutes, Daniel shot his load again. Long spurts of milky white cum shot out of his hard cock, reaching all the way to his chest, his chin and his face. I couldn’t help but shoot my load into the condom as my cock was still inside of him.
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Daniel |
“You’re fucking hot”, I said, as I bent forward again and licked the cum off his chest, and off his face.
“You’re amazing”, Daniel answered.
As I got back on my knees, Daniel rolled over onto his stomach, bending one knee up. His ass looked so good. I squeezed it. He looked back at me and laughed.
“So you’ve got one more round in you, right?”, he asked.
“Hell yeah!”
I fucked him for the third time and he held onto the duvet for dear life.
“Ohhh! Ohhh! Oh yeah! Fuck me!”
He bit into the duvet to muffle his own moans as they got higher and louder. After a few minutes I knew he was cumming again.
I took my cock out and laid down beside him, cuddling.
“Fuck dude”, he said.
“You’re the one who’s a freaking cum machine”, I said.
He laughed.
“That’s all you, man. All you.”
When Daniel’s breathing had slowed down he wanted to get up to clean himself off. In that last orgasm he had shot all over his abs and into the duvet again. As he sat up on the side of the bed, he hesitated. I got up and stood beside him.
“You OK?”
“Wow, I need some more time. Little light-headed.”
I noticed that his cock was still rock hard, pointing up.
“How is this even possible?”, I said as I playfully took the head and released
it, making it bounce back and forth.
“Your dick is just that good”, he shot back.
We looked at each other, my cock, semi-hard, at his eye level. He went to lay
back down and put his legs in the air. My cock was thickening and hardening
“You’re fucking insatiable”, I said.
I fucked Daniel one more time as I stood by the bed. He jerked his dick as I
fucked him hard. It was quite rare for me to have two orgasms in one night, but
I could feel it coming. Daniel’s moans went up several octaves now, as I worried
for his voice a little bit.
“I am going to cum!”, he cried.
He shot his load for the fourth time, the first spurt hitting his chest, the
rest soaking his abs.
I pulled out and jerked myself off to orgasm, cumming on his chest and abs as
We were both absolutely spent, but so very happy.
“I’m not going to be able to walk…”, Daniel muttered.
I chuckled and collapsed on his cum-soaked chest.
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