Zayn, Chapter 3

“Looking good, mate.”
It was the first time Cam didn’t look like he was about to go to, or just came from the gym. A white button-down shirt looked great over his broad chest and shoulders. The tight, plaid trousers only emphasized the size of his legs. But he was complimenting me.

“Oh. Thanks”, I said. “You too.”
I just wore a simple T-shirt and jeans.

He took my uphill this time, away from the sea. Thankfully the day had cooled off a little, but it didn’t take long for my sweating to become noticeable.
“I’m going to take you out of the British parts for a little while, I hope that’s OK”, Cam said.

Cam was still smiley, but conversation didn’t flow like earlier today.
“Did you have a good nap?”, I asked to end the silence.
“Yeah”, he replied. “Thanks.”
The silence returned.
“It gets a little hot to do anything in the summer afternoons.”
“Yeah, I noticed.”

I didn’t understand what had changed. This way it was going to be a long meal.

“So, tell me where you’re taking me”, I finally said.
“An authentic meze restaurant.”
“And what exactly is meze?”
“Like Spanish tapas. But, not Spanish.”
I laughed.

It was like I had opened a drawer of Cam-knowledge. All of a sudden, he told me all about meze. How it exists in several parts of Europe and the Middle East, but not everywhere is it a full meal in itself.

The further we walked, I noticed the surroundings changing. Modern, concrete buildings gradually disappeared. Smaller, colorful buildings took their place. I turned around at one point and noticed the view of the rest of the city, the beach and the sea.

When we were nearly there, we needed to go up some narrow alleyways. Cam lead the way, showing quite how much his trousers had to work to stay together. His big asscheeks stretched the fabric to its absolute limit with every step.

Cam was warmly welcomed into the restaurant and we were seated outside, with a view of the sun gradually setting in the sea. We were asked if we had any allergies, or diet restrictions. And then we just kept getting groups of small dishes. Warm, cold. Meat, fish, vegetarian. Grilled octopus. Fried cheese. Garlic bread. Rabbit stew. Salad. All paired with several shots of ouzo.

Once both me and Cam couldn’t eat another bite, we paid and walked back downhill. I could tell Cam’s cheeks were flushed. He was quite tipsy. He was talking a lot by this point. About previous experiences at meze restaurants, and how drunk he had been.

We walked back the exact same route as we came, but it was dark now. I was happy to have Cam to guide the way. Before I knew it, we were back in familiar territory. Cam kept walked right past Samantha’s Pub and then took a right. I was confused but simply followed.

Only once he stopped at a bar, and I noticed the rainbow flag, I remembered.
“Oh! Right!”, I said.
“Told ya I’d take ya here.”
“Yes, I remember now!”

Cam went inside to order some beers. I climbed a stool by one of the high tables. Soon, Cam returned with two beers. We clinked our glasses together.
“I just wanted to thank you, man. I haven’t thought about Elena at all today, thanks to you.”
“I’m glad. It’s been 6 months, now?”
Cam nodded.
“That’s long enough, isn’t it? Time to move on and focus on you. You deserve it.”
He really seemed to appreciate that.

“See anyone you like?”, Cam asked.
I tried to discretely look around. I quickly noticed most of their eyes were on the muscleman right across from me. Maybe it was the ouzo, but I blurted it out.

“Looks like everyone is watching you.”
“Me?”, he exclaimed, genuinely surprised. “Pff!”
Honestly, I couldn’t blame them. His body made him a commanding presence.
“I did do a few gay things before. Back home, in London.”
“You did?”
He nodded and chuckled.

“Well, now you gotta tell me”, I said.
“The wildest one was an Uber driver. I’d just come from a party and I was wearing, like, a wrestling singlet? It was a fancy dress. Like, a costume party.”
“Oh, yeah.”
“And this driver is all, like, you got a nice body, or whatever. I was a bit boozed up by that point. I just say, oh, thanks, mate, or something.”

“This sounds like the start of a porn”, I interrupted.
Cam laughed.
“It so wasn’t. It was not very sexy at all. It was the middle of the night. He pulled over into some parking lot, got in the backseat with me and felt me up. And I just remember being surprised how it turned me on. I got a boner. I got embarrassed, but he loved it. So he sucked me off. He did a good job, honestly. And then he got back in the front and dropped me off home.”
“That still sounds pretty hot.”
“Yeah? Good. It felt silly at the time. I didn’t dare tell anyone until a few years later.”

“Were you embarrassed?”
“A little. When I told my best mate Barry while we were getting drunk, he laughed at me. But it was pretty funny to me at the time as well.”
I shrugged. I figured a psychologist could probably have a field day with self-identifying straight men and the way they dealt with their gay sexual encounters.
“Of course, Barry and I got so sloshed that night we had sex as well.”
I nearly spat out my beer.

“How did that happen?”
Cam was in an open mood, and I just needed to hear this story as well.
“Too much to drink, I guess. I’d seen in the gym showers he had a big willy, and I just wanted to try getting fucked.”
I smiled. Some man has had the pleasure of fucking that big butt.
“And? How was it?”
“Pretty good. But then, I was very drunk.”

I noticed Cam had finished his beer already.
“A bit like now?”, I asked, more as a joke.
Cam laughed.
“Well, do you have a big willy, Zayn?”
I looked at him with a challenging glint in my eye.
“It’s a pretty good one”, I replied.
“Well, you’re a good-looking lad. Let’s see how the evening goes.”
I laughed.

By the time we left the bar, Cam wasn’t very stable on his feet. We supported each other on our walk back.
“I… I don’t think I can get home by myself, mate”, Cam justifiably concluded.
“No problem”, I said. “You can sleep in my bed.”
“You’re the best!”

Even the short walk to the entrance to my studio apartment and the walk up the stairs turned out quite the challenge. Cam offered to wash up first. I showed him which towel I’d already used and which one was clean. He began to undress, so I left the bathroom.
“Zayn, mate?”
“I need your help, though.”

I turned back. Cam stood in front of me, naked.
“Let’s just shower together, OK?”
I smiled.

I took my clothes off and joined him in the shower. My cock was erect the second I took my underwear off.
“That is a pretty big willy.”
I thought back to what Samantha told me Cam once said to her. He seemed to talk a lot about penis size. But for his body, his cock looked just fine to me.

Throughout the shower, Cam just held on to the wall, and mumbled to himself every now and then. I put some shower gel on my hands and rubbed it across his chest and abs. This is when Cam’s cock began to get hard as well. He smiled at me.

I decided to have fun with it. I soaped up his cock as well as I could, until it stuck straight out, fully rigid. I made Cam turn around. I soaped up his back and his buttocks. I heard an appreciative hum when I cleaned his hole.

Then, Cam watched me as I cleaned myself. He looked my body up and down and even pulled on my hard cock for a little while. Somehow, it was still a surprise when he leaned in and kissed me. As the water fell down our faces and bodies, we had a long passionate kiss. Cam continued to stroke my cock. I let my hands grip his back muscles before finally squeezing his delicious ass. Cam’s subtle moans were music to my ears.

The kiss stopped when Cam lost his balance. We got out of the shower, both still hard as a rock. When we were drying off, I had to help Cam once again. Considering I was far from sober myself, I felt like I did a good job.

Cam and I lay side by side in bed. The AC that he’d fixed the day before was doing its job. Cam fiddled with my cock, making it bounce up and down. His had gone back to a flaccid state by now.
“So… So are you gonna fuck me with that?”
I looked at him.
“You can climb on top if you want.”

Cam was not too balanced, but eventually he sat on his knees, straddling me. He was about to angle my cock at his hole, when I told him to make his hole wet with some saliva first. Having a front row seat, I noticed his cock coming back to life as he applied some spit.
“Now, you decide the pace, OK?”

For someone who supposedly had only done this once before, I admired his determination. He took it slow at first, but soon enough, he was bouncing on my cock, his own erection flopping up and down in front of me.
“This feels good”, he said, his breathing getting heavy. “Barry just did me doggy style.”
I smiled. His hole felt good to me as well. Very tight, but loosening more and more.

“Ungghhh…”, Cam exclaimed.
He folded his hands behind his head and kept wiggling his butt on my cock.
We were about a minute in and all of a sudden, Cam’s semen flew across my abs and chest, even hitting my chin. His cock had just been freely bouncing about when it shot off. It was one of the hottest things I’d seen.

Cam caught his breath and stopped fucking himself on my cock. He sat down, me still firmly inside of him, and looked at the mess he’d made.
“Oh, yeah. That happened last time too. Hitting my prostate.”
I shook my head in disbelief. What a sexy little musclebottom did I run into here.

I scooped some cum up with my finger and fed it to him. Without batting an eyelid, Cam sucked it off and swallowed.
“Now there’s a good boy”, I said.
He showed me his biggest smile so far.

I fucked Cam missionary, and it was just as hot. His strong body lay in front of me, with his arms over his head. Fully submissive. With every thrust his pecs shook back and forth. I played with his nipples.
“I love it when you just take me”, he said.
He reached up and caressed my abs. This time it took him maybe 3 minutes before shooting all over himself. It was such a hot sight, that I came inside of him.

I hadn’t finished cumming when I heard the first snore. Cam had passed out. His quickly softening cock was on his stomach. His cum had pooled in his belly button and the ridges of his abs. With every breath, some spilled out and dripped down his sides.

I took a towel from the bathroom and cleaned him up as well as I could. I laid next to him and watched him for a while. He snored on and off. 24 hours ago I couldn’t have predicted this. Even one hour ago I wouldn’t have predicted this.

In the night, I felt his arm around me. He snuggled his face into my neck. I felt the air from each of his breaths.
“Thanks for fucking me, Zayn”, he whispered.
He may have been drunk, but he knew exactly where he was and with whom. We slept like this for the entire night.

Because when I woke up, Cam was in exactly the same position. His shallow breaths were now loud snores. I couldn’t fall back asleep. Carefully I maneuvered myself from under his arm. His snoring wasn’t even slightly interrupted once I left the bed.

I made some coffee. I scrambled some eggs and made some toast. I figured it would wake him. I continued to watch him, curled up in bed. His curves were a masterpiece. Some painter or photographer would have loved this position.

Finally, Cam turned on his back. He groaned. He lifted his head. He saw me, nude, leaning back against the kitchen counter.
“Good morning”, I said.
He wiped his eyes, and then his mouth, like there was some dried up drool.

For a second I was afraid. Would he see this as a drunk night that got out of hand, like with his other buddy?

Cam got up and walked over. His hair looked messy, his eyes were half closed. His soft cock did look quite small now.
“That was a fun night”, he said.
He put his arms around me, held me close, and kissed me. I felt relief as I kissed back. He thanked me for making breakfast.

My book became the most intimate I had ever written. Cam went with me for all the highlights, telling me in detail about the island. I told the reader about all the wonderful sights, the history, and the best food Cyprus had to offer. But what made it into my bestselling book, was my honest and sexy description of my romance with Cam.

Once my trip was over, Cam went with me to New York. He took some modeling jobs so he could stay in the country. When the book came out, he was asked for even more jobs. However, his most important job, insisted on by my publisher, was that he came with me on my next trip. And so he did.

