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Matt |
The last six months have been fantastic, I think Matt and I are a great couple. We go for runs and go to the gym together, slowly making my tall and slender body more pumped. I feel like my body is starting to look less odd next to Matt’s wide, muscled frame. I do love watching him do glute exercises and have convinced him to wear jockstraps and sometimes even thongs. Especially jockstraps have really taken his fancy. In turn, he appreciates it when I keep my upper body shaved and smooth like his. And the sex has been fantastic. Matt’s fainting hasn’t really been an issue as it has just happened during sex. So we are simply careful to just have sex on the bed or the sofa. The one time we couldn’t control ourselves in the kitchen, I had Matt lying down on the floor. I haven’t felt the need to tell my friends or family about his condition as the fainting has been so rare outside of our sex life. Little did I know what our trip would bring.
Matt is a gym teacher and has a long summer holiday. So when my parents insisted we come visit them down in Florida so they could meet him, he actually got excited. My boss begrudgingly gave me a week off work and off we went. We drove up to San Francisco Airport from Salinas, California, where we both live, the night before our 6:15 AM flight this morning. We slept (after fucking) in an airport hotel. This morning, Matt was quiet and clearly still sleepy. He still looked incredibly sexy in the blue T-shirt that stretched across his chest (and which he was probably unaware revealed his nipples) and arms. The black tracksuit pants that hugged the curves of his butt was my favourite item of clothing he owned outside of underwear as I could never resist squeezing his ass whenever he wore it. This morning was no exception. I offered to wait in line at Starbucks as he sat at a table. I was above all excited to take my boyfriend on our first trip together. I was a little nervous about him meeting my parents even though at the same time I could not imagine them not getting along.
As the plane was about to take off, Matt grabbed my hand, I heard him exhale and he gave me a bit of a nervous smile. His palms were a little sweaty. Was he afraid of flying? He had never mentioned anything, so it must not be so bad. I looked out the window as the plane was making speed and finally left the ground. Matt’s hand gripped mine tighter and tighter and I looked back at him. He had closed his eyes tight. Then I felt his grip on my hand loosen and saw his mouth fall open. His head swayed from left to right on the headrest of his seat with the movement of the plane. He had fainted. I was surprised, as this was the first time since the night we met that this happened without me being prepared for it.
After what could only have been 15 seconds, his eyes opened. He looked around for a little bit but quickly lost consciousness a second time. I was still holding his hand on the shared armrest and not wanting to draw attention, I pulled his hand onto my lap to stroke his arm with my other hand. So many other times Matt had fainted, I had cuddled his naked and unconscious body, as usually it would just be the two of us. I was hoping to somehow make him feel safe, because I felt powerless to make him feel better. Instead, my pulling movement caused Matt’s body to slump towards me over the armrest. His head hung limply above my crotch and I now saw people from across the aisle looking at us. I stroked his back, hoping he would come around.
After a few seconds I felt his hand gripping mine again. He quickly sat up, let go of my hand and wiped some saliva off his lip and chin. The plane was now about horizontal in the air.
“Sorry” he said softly.
“Are you OK, babe?”
“Uh huh”, he said while he shifted in his seat.
“Are you afraid of flying?”
“Not really, just the lift-off makes me faint sometimes.”
He wasn’t looking at me and I knew he was embarrassed. I decided to drop it, but wished he would have told me beforehand. I knew that we had a layover in Dallas so I was at least prepared for the second leg of our journey. We mostly slept from San Francisco to Dallas, Matt with his head on my shoulder. The people across the aisle looked at us again, instead of the worried expression from before, it was now an expression of disgust. The obviously gay flight attendant couldn’t stop looking at Matt every time he passed us.
Once we had boarded the flight from Dallas to Tampa, I again saw a worried look on Matt’s face. This time I grabbed his hand, my thumb stroking his index finger. I gave him a kiss and whispered “It’s OK. I’m here”. For a second I thought I broke his nerves as he looked at me in that loving way that he does. We both sat back looking at each other as the plane took off and although his expression switched from loving to nervous, he did not pass out. I got a big kiss from him.
During the flight we talked. I had to warn Matt about a few things before we landed. I told him my parents would pick us up from the airport but that my Dad’s driving isn’t as good as he thinks it is. And he doesn’t like it when you tell him that. His sight has gotten worse recently, as has his reaction time and it has been a source of worry for me. My Mom is keeping an eye out and makes sure he rarely drives, but when it comes to picking people up from the airport, he insists. Mom doesn’t have a license herself, unfortunately.
As we touched down in Tampa a few minutes before 4:00 PM, I switched on my phone and already had a text message from Mom. “We r @ airport. Send msg when u land?” I smiled. Only a few years ago she was convinced she would never be able to use a cell phone. Now she couldn’t live without her iPhone.
She was delighted to see me when we finally hugged at baggage claim.
“Oh my gosh! You’ve been working out!” she exclaimed.
“I have!” I replied as I turned to also hug my Dad, who in turn had gotten slightly fatter.
“So where is this Matthew?”
I looked around to see that Matt had stayed behind with his suitcase to give me time to greet my parents.
“Babe, come!”
Matt walked towards us and again I heard my Mom exclaim “Oh my gosh!”
“It’s so great to finally meet you, Mrs Andrews”, he said as he hugged my Mom. So formal, but the perfect son-in-law.
“You look so handsome!” she said, almost surprised.
“Very pleased to meet you too, Mr Andrews.” He shook my Dad’s hand.
“Please, call us Erin and Bob.”
“Well, Erin and Bob, it’s great to be here. It’s my first time in Florida!”
“Gosh, he has an accent, too!” My Mom turned to me. “Where the heck did you find this one?”
“Believe it or not, he works at Jesse’s school”, I said.
“You’re a teacher?” My Mom took Matt’s arm and lead the way to wherever the car was parked. She looked back at me with an expression that told me she was impressed. My Dad and I followed.
In the car, my parents and I caught up on things. Dad talked about how he had been working on turning the top floor of the house into a separate apartment where we would be staying. Mom said that they are thinking of renting it out online. Matt and I sat in the backseat and looked at each other. Having our own floor, we could get away with more than if we would have stayed in the guest room.
Matt was loving looking out the window, with palm trees everywhere. A big part of the journey was crossing the water of Old Tampa Bay and I could tell he was loving it. Even with it being only a half-hour drive from Tampa Airport to my parents’ house in Dunedin, I could tell my Dad really needed to focus on driving. Nearing the big 7-0 there was no shame in needing glasses to drive. I reminded myself to at least introduce my Mom to Uber during my stay. Dad suddenly noticed he was slowly going off his lane and quickly swerved to the left to stay in his lane. I immediately heard a bang on my right. Matt must have hit his head against the car door as his body hung forward into his seatbelt. He was out cold, but my parents didn’t notice anything as my Mom continued talking about the new neighbours, the Gomezes. I hadn’t told my parents Matt was susceptible to losing consciousness as I hadn’t seen the need to. But here he was, lights out in their car, a trail of drool hanging from his mouth. I put my hand on his knee and shook it a bit but there was no response.
For what seemed forever, but was actually probably only a minute, Matt’s big body limply moved with the movement of the car on the road. Especially his head kept bobbing up and down and swaying from side to side. The trail of drool ended up falling on the seat in between his legs. During this time I just kept making sounds that would make my Mom think I was listening. Neither of my parents noticed anything, as thankfully my Dad needed to focus all of his energy on driving and my Mom just talked about everything that had happened that she already told me over the phone. And then Matt suddenly woke up.
His hand reached for the side of his head and he seemed to have actually gotten hurt a little bit.
“Hey babe, are you OK?”
“Yeah, I just went out for a little bit”
“I don’t blame you, honey. It was a long day of travelling”, my Mom piped in. “We’ll let you two get a bit of a nap in before we head out to dinner. I made reservations at this lovely little place. It’s a little on the fancy side, but...”
Matt mouthed “I’m OK” to me and smiled, still rubbing the side of his head.
I have to say, I was impressed with the work my Dad had done. There was now an outside staircase so the apartment has its own entrance. The little bathroom there was before had been renovated and now there was even a small kitchen. It was a spacious studio apartment with a couch and a TV as well.
“You boys relax a little. But be ready to go out to dinner by 6:30. OK?”
“Thanks Mom!”
I took off my shirt, laid out onto the bed and watched Matt unpack. And when I say watch him unpack, I mean watch his butt as he bends over.
“Your parents are so cute”, he said.
“Cute and exhausting” I said as I yawned. “Come take a nap with me, babe.”
“I am not really that tired, it’s only 2:00 back home.”
“And you slept a lot on the way here”, I teased him.
“Ha. Ha”, he looked at me as he fake-laughed. “I just happen to be in the mood for something different”.
He turned back to face the closet, took off his T-shirt, folded it and put it on the pile he just created. Then he slipped off the tracksuit pants, revealing a white jockstrap underneath. As he pulled the pants off his feet he bent over all the way, almost revealing his hole. His beefy butt in the air, perfectly framed by the straps, did turn me on. I was usually the one to initiate sex, not that Matt ever turned me down, it was just the way the relationship worked. When it came to sex, I was the dominant one. But right now, the roles were reversed for a little bit.
He turned around and walked towards me smiling and confident. The pouch on his jockstrap tenting up, he leaned over to unbutton my jeans. He slipped it off with my underwear, causing my hard cock to flop onto my belly with a slap.
“So this thing is turning you on, big boy?” he asked with a smirk.
“You’ve been a naughty boy wearing that around my parents”, I said.
“Are you going to be naughty with me?” Matt asked as he lubed his hole.
“My parents are one floor down”, I feigned a protest.
“I’ll be quick. I just need you in me now or I’ll be horny throughout dinner” he said as he straddled me.
He took my cock in his hand as he slowly squatted down on me. It felt incredible. I saw a wet patch on the tented jockstrap pointing further up than before. Matt’s eyes rolled back as he moaned.
“Ahh, your cock feels so good inside of me, mate”.
I love it when he calls me ‘mate’, the Australianness of it is somehow such a turn-on. Even though Matt was squatting up and down at his own tempo, I couldn’t help myself from thrusting and took over.
“Fuuuuck” was his response. He almost lost his balance when I fucked him harder and harder and then faster and faster. Both of his hands were now leaning on the bed.
“Your cock is so massive, I think I’m going to shoot!”
In the six months that we have been together, I have learned that Matt is very sensitive to anal stimulation. So by now I was not surprised to see him shoot handsfree. He completely soaked the pouch of his jock.
I also was not surprised to see his orgasm being followed by his eyes rolling back completely, his mouth falling open and his body going limp. Only this time that meant his full body sat down on my cock, his ass swallowing my cock completely. His butt sat on my hips, his arms hung limply by his sides and his body fell back against my thighs. I orgasmed as I was so deep inside of him. The orgasm was so intense I may even have fainted myself for a short while.
When I opened my eyes I was no longer holding Matt’s body up with my legs. Instead he had fallen back, spread eagle across the bed with my legs underneath him. My cock had slipped out of his hole and I saw that my cum was oozing out of him onto the bedspread. I got my legs out from under him and crawled over the bed towards him. His head dangled upside down off the foot of the bed, causing his mouth to open wide. I hoped he hadn’t hit his head on the wooden bed frame. His body was heavy, but since working out these past months I felt confident I could move him into a more comfortable position. I lifted his head and turned his upper body so that his full body was now on the bed, giving his head some support.
I shook his shoulders for a bit, causing his head to sway from left to right. There was no response. I had learned to just wait it out and lay next to him and cuddled. A minute passed and I decided to help him out of his soaked jockstrap. His smooth, wet cock looked shiny and small. It had shrivelled back into its foreskin and looked gorgeous, regardless of its size. Then I remembered Matt was probably leaking my cum onto the bed that we had to sleep in tonight. His hole did seem slightly stretched as it had enveloped the very base of my cock just a minute ago. It caused a bit of a trail of my cum on the duvet. I got a towel to clean it and wiped more cum off his taint.
Another two minutes passed and Matt’s now naked body was still unresponsive on the bed. I slapped his face a few times with no results. I went to fill a glass of water in the little kitchen and sprinkled some on his face. That seemed to do the trick as I saw his eyelids flutter.
“Fucking hell” he said with a raspy voice. He rubbed the back of his head. He tried to move but then he suddenly froze.
“My hole!”
“I’m sorry, babe.”
“What the hell happened?” He tried to move again, more slowly now.
“You passed out while you were sitting on top of me”
“So?” He now sat up.
“Well, you...”
“You slid all the way in??” He looked at me, eyes wide.
I nodded.
“Your huge dick went all the way in me?”
“Damn your enormous penis!”
I couldn’t help laughing.
“Well, how did I hurt my head then?”
“I shot such a load with you vacuuming my cock, that I think I passed out for a bit as well. I think you fell backwards and hit your head on the bed frame.”
“You fainted?” He seemed incredulous.
“I guess.”
Suddenly Matt stood up and raised his hands. He looked happy.
“I’m not the only freak!” he exclaimed.
I laughed and went over to hug him, our naked bodies colliding.
“We should start getting ready for dinner”, I said.
Matt walked towards the bathroom, but had a bit of a limp. “What will you say when your parents ask why your boyfriend all of a sudden can’t walk right?”
“I’ll say I fucked him within an inch of his life”.
Matt laughed.
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