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Craig |
During lunch, Joey asked Daniel how many people had signed up for the charity car wash.
“I have enough people for Saturday, but I would really like one more for Sunday”, he replied.
Joey looked at me. His short, wavy brown hair, big brown eyes and crooked smile made sure I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to.
“Sure, I’ll do it”, I said as I laughed.
Joey patted me on the back.
“I think it’s just going to be us three and Craig…”, Daniel started, lowering his voice. “Would you guys be up for it if I upped the ante like last year and made the Sunday into a shirtless charity car wash? Because that really brought in the big bucks last year!”
“Oh, I assumed we were going shirtless again”, Joey said, not lowering his voice at all. “There was a line around the block!”
Daniel turned to me. “Craig and Joey brought in so much cash. If you’re not up for it, you can always be in charge of payments or just hold the sign…”
“I’m just glad you told me today, so I can get in some hours at the gym!”
Daniel and Joey laughed and high-fived me.
I had seen a Crunch Fitness close to my apartment and decided to check it out after work. This charity car wash was sounding like it could be very sexy. I got a membership and worked out there every night that week, more motivated than ever.
On Thursday, Marie took me to a presentation she was doing at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. It was good to witness one of these for the first time. I liked how she managed to keep the employees’ attention. Presentations like these are very important and you must really be prepared for any question, be it medical or technical. I felt ready to try one myself.
The next day Daniel called me into his office and he asked if I was ready to do my own presentations. I told him how I felt after seeing Marie do her thing at Memorial Hospital and said I felt up for the challenge.
“You see, we’ve been asked to do a few presentations at Lower Keys Medical Center in Key West. They’ll be getting some of our stuff for the first time. And usually I would just send Joey to these, as Marie can’t leave her family overnight. Would you be OK if I send you with him? It’s two days of presentations. You can divide the workload but he’ll still be seeing you and give you pointers if necessary.”
“This sounds awesome! My first work trip!”
“It’s right before Christmas break, still a few weeks away, so you and Joey can prepare together. Does that sound OK?”
“I don’t think there will be time to go to the beach a lot”, he joked, “but I thought it would be a great opportunity for you to do a few presentations with a co-worker there.”
“I am very excited, can’t wait!”
I walked back to my cubicle and told Joey what I had just heard.
“Dan ran it by me first, I knew you would go for it!”
He got up and hugged me shortly. My bulge immediately expanded so I casually covered myself.
“It’s going to be hard work, but surely there will be time for a party once we’re finished!”
When I sat down and Joey walked away, Marie gave me a look that told me everything. She didn’t want me and Joey to hook up. I nodded to her, making clear that I understood. Now that the two of us would work closely for a few weeks, even going on an overnight work trip, the temptation would definitely be there. If Joey was really that slutty, maybe it would be better to keep love and work separated.
Friday night at the gym I couldn’t stop thinking about how lucky I had been getting hired for this job. So far everything had been going great. Job, location, co-workers, everything had been great. Soon I’d go back to Paducah to celebrate Christmas. I would only have good stories to tell.
On Sunday, I was excited to do the charity car wash. I wore board shorts, flip flops and a white T-shirt. I couldn't believe it was early December and 75 degrees (24 Celsius). There had been some days of rain and clouds, but today had been the perfect day for this activity. I drove in the direction of the office and passed the Crunch Fitness. At the Mobil gas station I turned right onto McIntosh Road. It was a quiet road and the sun shone straight onto my windshield. I put on my sunglasses and smiled, remembering what Decembers are like in Kentucky. It started getting busier just as I had to turn right on Clark Road. Soon enough, I saw the car wash on my right.
I parked and quickly checked my hair in the inside mirror. I got out and immediately saw Joey and Craig, both wearing shorts and tanktops, looking absolutely amazing. They had massive arms and chests, which I would have loved to touch. The two of them talking could have been the start of a porn film. It was in my mind, anyway.
I walked up to them to say hi and realized I was feeling hot.
“Looking good, man!”, Joey said as he put his arm around me.
I was starting to sweat.
“Thanks, so do the two of you! Let’s raise some money today!”
I saw Daniel walking towards us with two cardboard signs. He was already shirtless. His body was lean and muscular. He had some light hair on his chest. He showed us the signs, one that said “Shirtless Car Wash 4 Cancer Research” and one that said “Charity Shirtless Car Wash $10”.
Daniel suggested he and Craig start out with the signs by the side of the road and Joey and I start with washing cars. Daniel was in charge of payments by the entrance. Joey and I walked to the washing area and he showed me how everything worked. When I tried working the hose I got some water on myself and laughed. Joey laughed as well. Instinctively I took off my white T-shirt that was now partly see-through. I spotted Joey checking me out.
“That is a very nice body”, he said.
“Thank you”, I said as I blushed.
“I like your hairy chest.”
I felt very slim and small compared to Joey’s body, but I had worked out hard this past week. Joey then also took off his white tanktop. His massive chest with perky nipples really concentrated my gaze. His abs were beautifully sculpted and V-lines ran into his grey shorts. His upper body was completely hairless and smooth.
“I don’t get much body hair”, he said. “So what I do get I shave off.”
I looked him up and down.
“You look amazing”, I blurted out.
“Thanks. Now spray me.”
“With the water!”, he said, laughing.
The hose was still right by me. I picked it up and sprayed him a little.
“All right. Now we’re ready!”
His body looked all shiny when wet and his shorts clung to his lower body. Specifically the curve of his ass was now noticeable, as well as the underwear line of briefs across his cheeks. I got aroused and my dick never fully went down throughout the day. It had been a while since I’d had sex and I was starting to feel it.
It took a while for the cars to really start coming in, but when they did, they really did. This didn’t stop Joey from playing around, having water fights while customers were waiting in their cars. They all seemed to love it. I also did some shifts with Craig, who was more serious, trying to wash as many cars as quickly as possible. His body was like that of a bodybuilder. Hairless and not unlike a mac truck. He had 8-pack abs and made me feel like a little boy in comparison. His massive muscle-ass was a joy to see in motion now that he wore shorts. For one shift I was on the side of the street holding a sign with Daniel, which was by far the least interesting part of the day.
By the end of the day, things started to quiet down. We managed to raise over $1000, in a large part thanks to people tipping us generously. Daniel had to get back to his family, but Craig, Joey and I went to get some food together. We decided on Moe’s Southwest Grill as it was just a bit further down the street. The food was surprisingly good, and it was fun hanging out with these incredibly sexy guys. When we had finished eating, Craig stood up and excused himself to go to the bathroom. I looked at his ass walk away and knew I was getting hard again. Joey sat across from me and suddenly piped up.
“Nice ass, huh?”
I snapped out of it and looked at Joey.
“He has a great dick, too.”
“You… you slept with him?”
Joey blushed and looked down.
“I slept with a few of the guys in the office. Craig, Ted, Daniel.”
Even though I had already heard about this, his honesty still surprised me. The names he mentioned were a second surprise.
“Are they all gay?”
Joey laughed.
“None of them are! Ted has a girlfriend, Daniel a wife and two children. Craig is single I think, but I could tell from the dirty magazines in his apartment.”
I didn’t really know how to reply to this information.
“Don’t tell me, I know I’m just another slutty gay.”
“I… I wasn’t…”
Joey laughed again.
“I was just wondering how you can hook up with straight guys.”
He chuckled and shrugged.
“I don’t know either. Straight guys really like my ass, I guess! Gay guys like Craig’s ass more, clearly.”
Joey looked at me and winked. I felt my face burn up and I knew I was blushing. I hadn’t realized I had given away my sexuality by unashamedly staring at Craig’s ass earlier.
“I like all sorts of asses”, I managed to blurt out.
At that moment, Craig walked back to the table and I just smiled at Joey quietly.
“Let’s get out of here, you guys”, Craig said in his low voice.
We paid and left the restaurant. We each said goodbye and went to our cars. Just as I was opening the door to my car, I heard my name.
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Hector, Joey |
“If I don’t do this now, I’ll regret it”, he said as he took my face in his hands and kissed me. It was a sensual kiss that took my breath away. After only a few seconds, Joey pulled away. I literally had to catch my breath as my dick stood at attention.
“See you tomorrow morning”, Joey then said and he walked away.
I was left confused, tenting my shorts beside my car with an open door in the Moe’s Southwest Grill parking lot.
The next day as I came into work, it felt like everything had changed, yet nothing was different. Daniel literally gave me a pat on the back for raising so much money the day before. Even Joey acted like nothing was out of the ordinary, telling fellow co-workers a story about how excited this group of girlfriends was to get their car washed by shirtless guys, throwing money from the window even after they had paid.
Having felt Joey’s kiss made me feel different around him. Sitting next to him at lunch and smelling his smell, got me thinking about the day before, getting me excited. At the same time I had feelings of guilt about being romantic with a co-worker and keeping it a secret. However, confusion was the main emotion, as I didn’t know why Joey had kissed me.
Joey and I started working on preparing our presentations. We were going to be working together quite closely and I was realizing I found it difficult to be around him and not knowing what our kiss the day before really meant. We were in the same cubicle all day preparing slides for the presentation.
On Tuesday morning, I couldn’t hold it in any longer. When I spotted him at the coffee machine, I asked him to go for drinks after work so we could talk. He agreed.
“Sure, that sounds like fun!”
We spent most of our day in the conference room where he had me try out some of the presentations right after seeing him do them. When I was supposed to be paying attention to how he was doing the presentations, I was sometimes distracted by his tight white shirt and blue chinos. Especially his chest and his ass caught my eye on several occasions. I made many mistakes while practicing the presentations because of it.
Around 3:00, we were still in the conference room and I was starting to get tired.
“Hey”, Joey said, “Can I take you somewhere?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know, we have to talk. Can I take you somewhere to go talk?"
"Sure”, I said.
“Let’s go”, he said.
“Yes! Now!”, he said, slightly bossy but smiling.
When we managed to sneak out early, we stood in the elevator. I caught him looking at me as we stood next to each other in silence. I looked him straight in the eyes. He took my hand in his.
“Follow me in your car”, he said.
The elevator doors opened. Joey let go of my hand and started walking. We waved at Craig as we exited the building.
Joey left the parking lot in the other direction from which I arrived every morning. On North Cattlemen he took the first left in the middle of the curve. I followed him onto Richardson Road. After the roundabout there was a curve, ending up on Fruitville Road, where Joey took a right and I followed him. I tried not to lose track of his car on this large, busier road. We turned left on North Washington Boulevard.
We had been driving for 10 minutes now and I was starting to wonder where the hell he was taking me. I didn’t know the city very well at all and I had no idea where I was. He turned on his signal early to let me know he was turning right as we took the exit onto Mound Street. When we continued driving I suddenly saw the sea to the left side of the road. I smiled. Joey turned left and parked. I followed.
When we got out of our cars, he said, “This is Bayfront Park.” I looked around and said, “Wow.”
“We can walk along the water if you like.”
We walked under the arch and turned left. We passed a restaurant and walked along the water. I was loving the view. White gravelly sand lead to perfectly blue water. Sailing boats were scattered across it. The smell and sound of the ocean made me relax. Most people here were in T-shirts and shorts and we were still in our office attire, making us stand out.
“Do you mind if I talk first?”, Joey then asked me.
“Not at all!”
All I had wanted was for Joey to be clear about why he kissed me. For him to talk first would only save me asking the questions.
“I’ve thought you were attractive from the second you walked into the office. I didn’t want to do anything unless I got a signal that you might be into me. Your signals were a bit too mixed for me to be certain.”
He left a pause, but I didn’t know what to say.
“I so badly wanted to kiss you when I dropped you off at your apartment after the softball game. I didn’t. I thought back to all the guys at work that fucked me”, Joey lowered his voice as he said this.
“It’s been weird with Craig and Ted at work ever since. Daniel only keeps coming back to me whenever he is sexually frustrated. I didn’t want to add another to the list. So I didn’t.”
Another pause.
“During the car wash”, he continued, “you were so sexy, I found it hard to restrain myself.”
I couldn’t help but smile.
“But I did. Then when I saw you check out Craig’s ass and realized you might not be straight, I had to say something. It was clumsy and weird but I managed to get it out. And the way you smiled at me after you said you like all sorts of asses…”, Joey lowered his voice again. “I got rock hard.”
I looked at him. He was smiling awkwardly and blushing.
“I had to kiss you that day. I thought I would regret it if I didn’t. But now I find myself regretting doing it.”
There was another pause, but this time I ended it.
“We’re going to be working together a lot and I feel like I created this sexual tension now. We could have been work friends… We should have been work friends”, he said, emphasizing the word ‘should’. “And that is now ruined.”
We walked together in silence.
“The sexual tension was already there. From the very first minute we met.”
I said it matter-of-factly, looking down and continuing to walk.
“I just didn’t want to act on any of it. I didn’t want to risk my career by hooking up with someone at work.”
“As you’ve heard, it’s pretty common…”
“No, I mean… And, in a way, that’s the second thing. I can’t just sleep with someone. I am a serial monogamist”, I said, like it was a novelty thing.
“Or maybe I am just old-fashioned. So hearing about… that… well, it scared me. That’s not what I’m looking for. As much as I like you, I need us to be just work friends.”
“OK, OK. I get it.”
We walked a little longer in silence.
“Can we still go to Key West together?”, Joey suddenly asked quietly.
“Of course! We’ll just have to behave. We can do that right?”
Joey didn’t answer straight away.
“I think it will be difficult for me. But please let me know whenever I go too far.”
“You got yourself a deal”, I said.
We hugged.
We walked back to the parking lot, where we hugged again but longer.
“I’m glad we talked this over”, I said.
“Same here. You’re the best.”
Only then we let go. I saw sadness in Joey’s eyes.
We drove off to our separate apartments. On the way I cried a little bit, even though I knew I had done the right thing.
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