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Jeff |
The next morning, I had driven to the gym and started my cardio warm-up. It was
at the Downtown Gym & Fitness where Mikey and I used to get MMA classes. I
hadn’t been here for quite some time. Mikey still went to this gym for regular
workouts, which is why we had decided to meet here. It just happened to also
have boxing bags and a ring.
“Hey dude, you’re early!”, Ben walked in, smiling brightly.
“Hey, good morning”, I said, happy to see him.
In his white T-shirt and black shorts, he was looking rather good.
Ben joined me on the stationary bicycles and we discussed our workout routines. We never worked out together before, even though we had known each other for a while. He said he’d had the same workout buddy for quite some time, some guy Stephen he went to college with. I mentioned working out with Mikey before, back when we did MMA training together.
Slightly later than agreed, Mikey walked in with Jeff. Despite their drinking from last night, they both looked pretty good this early in the morning. Jeff wore a white tanktop and some red shorts. His shoulders and arms looked so muscular.
“H-how are you this morning, Jeff?”, I asked.
The last I had seen of him was when he stumbled into his hotel.
“I’m OK, actually!”, he said, smiling, “I don’t remember everything but I’m sure it was fine… right?”
As Jeff and Mikey also started getting their cardio on, I hoped Jeff had forgotten about challenging me to a fight the night before. Even though I felt confident I would be able to beat him, I preferred to avoid it all together. I hated admitting it to myself, but despite all of his jabs at me and my sexuality, I was starting to develop a crush on Jeff. I liked him. And this wasn’t going to be sparring for practice, he wanted an actual fight. I knew I would be hesitant to show my best if it were to come down to it.
I decided to just go ahead with my workout. I noticed Jeff had taken off his tanktop and was using one of boxing bags. I let my eyes go over his hairy upper body and I could feel myself salivating. He was really going at it.
“Done with your set?”, I heard from my left. It was Ben. “Or just getting distracted?”
He winked at me. I laughed it off, but I felt caught at the same time. I handed over my weights to him, and glanced back at Jeff. He was standing there in just his red shorts and gave me a nod. I nodded back. He motioned for me to come over, which I did.
“Do you wanna go for a few rounds?”, he asked.
“Let’s not”, I started, “we can do some sparring if you like?”
I saw a cocky smile appear on his face.
“Awww. Are you getting scared, gay boy?”
Despite the developing crush, I felt myself getting angry.
“OK, you know what? You’re on!”
Jeff laughed and shook my hand.
I prepared on one of the boxing bags, only getting myself more riled up. Jeff
disappeared and suddenly came back in blue squarecut trunks and blue boots. He
hadn’t forgotten at all, he had brought gear. Any earlier hesitation was
vanishing from my mind. I was ready to beat his pretty face and just to teach
him a lesson in general.
Ben and Mikey stood outside of the ring and watched intently, excited for what was about to happen. I looked at Jeff as he stretched in the ring. His squarecuts left little to the imagination. It’s possible he was trying to distract me. But it was not going to happen.
When Mikey gave the signal, the match was on. I let Jeff come to me. He exuded arrogance. I avoided his first punch. And a second. Finally he landed one on my shoulder and he bent sideways to punch me in the ribs. I felt the pain go through my upper body, but I didn’t show anything.
“Come on Amir!”, I heard from outside the ring.
I felt fired up. I took initiative and kicked Jeff in the leg, twice in a row, and then another kick in the ribs. I could tell he felt winded. We circled each other some more and I could see his cocky smile fading. There was some more back and forth. Jeff was an excellent fighter with many moves. With his long limbs it was easy for him to hit or kick me. But it was clear he was surprised by my defense skills and tenacity.
Meanwhile, I was anticipating. The sideways bend for a punch in the ribs. I knew he would try it again. It took longer than I had counted on. But there it was. Once again right after a jab to my shoulder. He was close enough. I was able to strike him in the hip, causing him to double over. I punched him in the back of the neck, knowing it had the potential to knock his lights out.
Jeff’s body fell face first to the mat. He didn’t move. There was silence in
the gym. I kicked his shoulder to let his body roll over. His body was
completely limp. His eyes had rolled up and his jaw was relaxed. I had knocked him
unconscious. I didn’t feel any guilt. Ben and Mikey looked on in silence,
shocked. I squatted down beside Jeff’s body to check his eyes and his
breathing. He would soon come around.
Mikey had entered the ring out of concern. I sat Jeff up to rub his neck, hoping to get his circulation going.
“Where did you learn to do that?”, Mikey asked me, confused but in awe.
“I taught myself.”
Jeff eventually woke up, slightly dazed. Eventually he was able to stand up and walk out of the ring himself. Ben approached me.
“Well done”, he said, winking.
In the locker room, Jeff congratulated me on beating him. Yet he seemed confused as to what exactly happened. I gave him a short explanation about pressure points, but he remained confused.
In the afternoon I saw everyone again for the rehearsal ceremony and rehearsal dinner. We all had dressed quite formally, but none of us were in our wedding outfits. I saw Jeff in khaki slacks and again a checkered shirt. He looked hot as hell.
We ran through the ceremony, for which I as the best man had an important role. Also at the rehearsal dinner, I learned when I got to give my speech. For the rehearsal I kept it simpler and I didn’t give away what I would say the following day.
After the rehearsal dinner, Jeff came up to me.
“Hey”, he said.
“Hi! How are you feeling?”
“I’m… I’m fine, thanks. I just wanted… I wanted to apologize to you.”
I was surprised.
“About what?”
“I was… teasing you. About your sexuality. Pretty much from the second we met. I’m sorry. You’re the first gay person I’ve met. I just didn’t… I was being an asshole.”
I smiled. Living in Miami, I couldn’t imagine I was the first gay person he’d met. Possibly the first person he was aware of. But even that seemed unlikely.
“I appreciate it that, man!”
It was all I could think of to say. I gave him a pat on the shoulder and walked away.
The next morning I skipped out on the gym, even though Mikey had asked me to go earlier. But today was going to be a long day and I gladly took the extra hour of sleep. Also, I wanted to avoid the possibility of a rematch or any awkwardness. Jeff had suddenly been much nicer to me, which I guessed was good, but there was still something weird, and I wasn’t sure why.
I drove to the 912 Regency Plaza hotel with my outfit in the backseat. I was quite interested in how it would feel to wear the kilt for the entire day. I went up to the room Mikey had texted me the number for. Ben, Jeff and Mikey were all there. We all hugged each other, realizing how special the day was.
Mikey’s room was quite large, with some sofas and comfortable chairs. The perfect place for a groom to prepare. No-one was in their official outfit yet. Mikey had bought us a bottle of whisky each to thank us and we had a drink to loosen us up. Mikey’s parents also showed up and Ben, Jeff and I left the room to give them some space.
“Let’s start this day of dress-up then, shall we?”, Jeff proposed, as he took us to his room.
Jeff had a nice room with two king beds.
“I’m presuming we’re all drinking at the reception, so you are more than welcome to crash here”, he said.
That made me happy, as I did kind of count on not having to drive back.
“Unless you’ll be hooking up with the maid of honor”, Jeff said in Ben’s direction.
He then turned to me.
“Or, you know, whoever.”
I chuckled.
One by one we went into the bathroom to put on our kilts and suits. Both Ben and Jeff looked amazing. Even though socks had to be pulled up high, their hairy, toned knees were on display. I made sure I had the ring and my speech in my jacket pocket and left the rest of my stuff in Jeff’s room. I figured I’d decide later if I’d take him up on his offer of sleeping there.
We walked back to Mikey’s room and he had also gotten dressed completely. Mikey was still fixing his hair and the rest of us sat around and had a second glass of whisky. I sat across from both Ben and Jeff, who shared the sofa.
Ben sat with his legs spread, causing the little bag on his crotch, called a sporran, to push down the kilt. His beautiful thighs were on display. But he wasn’t the one grabbing my attention.
Jeff was moving around more, sitting in different positions. He nervously pulled his kilt down each time, but I could have sworn I saw a glimpse of his balls at one point. I tried not to keep staring, but it was quite difficult. The more whisky he drank, the looser Jeff’s hips became.
Conversation was about the women in the wedding party. Demi’s sister, Bella, was the maid of honor and her best friend Katrina was one of the bridesmaids. It was discussed who was hotter. I remained silent throughout the discussion.
Then the time was finally there. We had to go downstairs and get ready for the ceremony. Jeff got up from the sofa and all of a sudden I saw everything. His genitals were a beautiful pink, shaved completely. A long, thick cock and large balls. It was only a second but I had the mental image for quite some time. I had immediately gotten rock hard and didn’t want to get up. My cock was already pushing up my kilt and I feared standing up would make it even more noticeable. But there was no avoiding it. Fortunately, thanks to the sporran, it wasn’t as noticeable, and I was able to walk it off as the four of us went to the elevator.
The ceremony was beautiful. Everything went off without a hitch. It was great to see Mikey and Demi get married, it was obvious how happy they were with each other. We were very fortunate with the weather as well, temperatures reached 84 degrees (29 Celsius). There were some clouds in the sky, but it remained dry. There was a slight wind, but none of the kilt-wearing men had any issues.
After the ceremony, the entire wedding party stayed to have photos taken. I noticed Jeff kept hanging around me, touching my shoulder, my arm, or my back, with a short comment.
“You did a great job up there, man!”
“Aren’t you loving these kilts? It’s like a Free Willy situation”
“Did you see anyone to go after during the reception?”
I’m sure he meant well, trying to make it up to me, but it confused me above all.
At dinner, I gave my speech. I stuttered a little at first, but after my first joke got a good laugh from the guests, I got into it and everything went smoothly. As the best man, during dinner I was seated with Mikey’s family and Ben and Jeff. Now that my speech was over, I decided I had deserved some drinks. I realized how stressed I had been this last week and the drinks kept coming. I started to relax and have a good time.
After dinner there was dancing. I soon enough realized how awkward dancing was while wearing a kilt. So I needed a few more drinks before I could let loose. I noticed Demi’s sister coming up to me at the bar and we talked a little. Soon enough, the bridesmaids joined us and I was surrounded by women. They wanted to know if I had a girlfriend. When I mentioned I was gay, they seemed thrilled. Yet when Ben and Jeff also came up to the bar, they got all of the attention.
Especially Ben had a way with the women and soon enough he was dancing with Katrina. Jeff tried it on with Bella, but she soon said she had to go to the bathroom and two bridesmaids followed her. This left me at the bar with Jeff. He downed his drink and looked at me. I could tell by his eyes he had been drinking too much, not unlike two nights ago.
“Hey man”, he said, “you were real funny before. Good job.”
He put a hand on my chest and then grabbed my shoulder.
“Do you want another drink?”
“Sure”, I said.
I felt intoxicated enough to go to the dancefloor and Jeff followed me. The odd feeling off my cock and balls swinging back and forth as I danced was something I got used to. Jeff was thinking along the same lines as he got closed to me and said, “Dancing like this feels great!”
And even though it hadn’t entered my mind all day, I suddenly thought back to seeing Jeff’s cock earlier that day. I remembered he looked beautiful down there. I smiled as I watched his drunken attempts at dancing. He had been trying to get closer to me all day, possibly wanting to make amends. Maybe we could even become friends.
I turned to get closer to him, so I could speak over the music.
“Hey man, I just wanted to say it was fun getting to know you this weekend.”
He looked at me in surprise.
“Really? You don’t hate me?”
I laughed.
He clenched his fist in the air as an expression of joy.
“All right!”
He gave me a hug.
“We should drink to this!”
Jeff ran off to the bar and came back with two drinks. It was a very strong drink, but I did end up drinking it.
I saw Jeff trying it on with some girls again, but he was way too drunk at this point and got shot down. He returned and danced with me instead. Ben I had lost all sight of, until I suddenly spotted him in the men’s restroom.
“Hey!”, he said, “Having a good time?”
“Absolutely”, I said.
“Hey, did Jeff apologize to you in any way?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s all fine now.”
“OK, cool. Wasn’t sure if he’d listen to me.”
It may have been the drink, but I felt it was quite a touching gesture on Ben’s part.
“Thanks, man”, I said, as I hugged him.
“No problem!”, he said as he looked in the mirror to fix his hair.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a look at that Katrina’s room.”
I laughed.
When I walked back to the dancefloor, I didn’t immediately see Jeff. It was getting kind of late, it was possible he had gone upstairs and gone to sleep. I noticed Mikey, Demi, Bella and the bridesmaids in the seating area and walked over to them. Bella and one of the bridesmaids were standing over someone sitting down. Mikey was standing a little further away, laughing. Demi was sitting next to the person, taking out her phone. When I got closer I realized what was going on.
Jeff had passed out in one of the chairs. The familiar snoring I had heard in my car two nights ago, was to be heard again tonight. Bella was lifting up Jeff’s kilt and put it over his waist, so his crotch was exposed. She started to take photos and Demi soon joined, putting her phone in his direction. Mikey was just there, laughing.
“Hey, come on”, I started, wanting to get closer to Jeff and cover him up.
Though once I came closer I noticed Jeff’s cock, limp, but beautiful. It rested on his testicles, in between his thick, hairy thighs. Now that I got a good look at it, I could tell it was about 5 inches, flaccid. It surprised me that he wasn’t circumcised. I could barely blame them for looking, or taking photos.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, Amir, could you get Jeff to his room? I think he’s done for the night”, I heard Mikey’s voice say, followed by laughter.
All of them were wasted, clearly. I covered Jeff back up with his kilt, and turned to hug Mikey and Demi, thank them for a great day and wish them a fantastic honeymoon. They both thanked me right back.
Mikey then helped me get Jeff up and I put his arm around my neck so I could slowly walk him to the elevator. I waved everyone goodbye and there were still a few people partying the rest of the night away. Jeff was kind of walking with me, but he was far from conscious. At the sound of the elevator doors shutting, he became slightly aware of his surroundings.
“Oh… hey”, he said as he focused on me. “Where are we going?”
“I think it’s time you go to sleep”, I said.
“Yeah, it’s time”, he suddenly said, taking his arm back and standing by himself.
“It was a good day though, right?”
“Yes, it was great”, I agreed.
“I’m glad you don’t hate me”, he said, smiling at me.
The elevator doors opened and we walked onto the floor.
“Do you have your key card?”, I asked.
“Uhm. Yes”, he said, digging into his sporran.
He gave me the card.
“Thanks”, I said, walking ahead.
When I opened the door, I saw Jeff was just walking behind me by himself. He seemed fine again. Wobbly, sure, and far from going in a straight line. But still. We walked into the room.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Sure”, I responded as I went straight to the bathroom. My stuff was still here, including some toiletries and the clothes I’d arrived in. I left the door ajar as I started to brush my teeth.
“I’ve never had anyone knock me out before, and you know what?”
“It was kind of hot!”
I put my head out the door and saw Jeff sitting back on one of the beds, not making any moves to get ready to go to sleep. He had taken off the shoes and the socks, but that was it.
“Really?”, I asked, a toothbrush still in my mouth.
“Yeah… yeah, it was hot”, he continued, absent-mindedly.
I raised my eyebrows and went back into the bathroom. I put my suit and kilt back up on the hanger and changed into my boxerbriefs. It was quite nice to have support in the crotch area again.
I came out of the bathroom and Jeff was still sitting where he was.
“Bathroom’s all yours”, I said.
“Cool”, he said, not moving.
I went and got comfortable in one of the beds. I was convinced Jeff would soon pass back out. I was surprised he hadn’t yet. He stayed where he was.
“Do you need help with the bathroom stuff?”, I asked, looking at the back of his head as he sat on the foot of the bed beside me.
“No… no no.”
“I was just… I was thinking… Do you… Do you remember what I said?”
He was slurring his words and I had no idea where he was going with this.
“What did you say?”
“I said that…. That if you could beat me, you could fuck me up the ass.”
I laughed.
“I had completely forgotten about that”, I said, which was the truth.
There was silence again, only now Jeff turned his head and looked at me.
“Don’t worry about it”, I said.
“No… no no”, he repeated. “I think it’s only fair.”
Surprised, and still thinking this was a joke, I watched him slowly stand up and take off his jacket. He didn’t face me, he wasn’t trying to seduce me in any way. It was like he was doing another everyday chore. He took the white shirt out of his kilt and unbuttoned it, now slowly turning my way but looking down at what he was doing.
It was starting to dawn on me that he was serious. I could feel my cock starting to thicken.
“Jeff, you don’t have to if you don’t want to”, I said.
“Oh no, that’s OK”, he replied.
His hairy chest and stomach came into view and he must have noticed how I was looking him up and down.
“Are you into me?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I am.”
“OK, cool.”
He took off the sporran and let it drop to the floor. Now only wearing the kilt he sat on the side of the bed that I was in. He was leaning forward to kiss me. I let him. It was a slow, sensual kiss. My heart was beating out of control and I was hard as a rock. After a very nice kiss, he suddenly pulled back.
He looked at me, still sitting on the side of the bed.
“So, is anal sex any good, do you know?”
“Oh, it’s very nice”, I admitted.
He sighed, and then stood up.
“Right, let’s give it a shot then”, he said as he walked to his bag and reached inside.
He threw something from his bag in my direction, which I soon found was a condom. I looked back at him and saw he was dropping his kilt to the floor. His cock was semi-hard, but still hanging down, comfortably seven inches. He stood in front of me naked, a vision of masculinity. Hairy, all over, except his groin was shaven smooth.
“You’re beautiful”, I whispered.
“I… I don’t really know what to do”, he said, still standing there.
“Come lay in bed with me”, I said, surprising myself with how easily I took control of the situation.
I lifted the blanket so he could come lay next to me. I kissed him again and played with his cock, which was growing into a very impressive, thick 9 inches. I enjoyed letting the foreskin go back and forth over his cockhead. His cock had a downwards curve to it, but at one point he was definitely rock hard. Considering his intoxication level, that was more than I could have expected. Jeff hesitantly reciprocated and jerked me off as well. I, however, was already very hard.
“Now what?”, he suddenly asked.
“We gotta get you ready”, I said, reaching around and cupping his ass.
I felt around in his crack. He twitched when I touched his hole.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle”, I whispered.
He put his leg over mine so I had easier access. We looked at each other, and there was something very intimate about this.
When I noticed he was starting to relax, I played with his hole some more, to loosen him up. I could easily put my finger in. When I did, I could tell he clenched up around me.
“Oh!”, is the only sound he made.
“It’s OK”, I said, keeping eye contact.
It took a while, but then I noticed he started getting into it. He easily allowed me to put the second finger in. He moaned slightly.
I was still hard as a rock and put the condom on. I sat up on my knees and got Jeff to lay on his back in the middle of the bed. I now saw that he was still erect, his cock reaching up to his belly button. This man was huge in every way and I felt fortunate to be the first to fuck him. I kept it slow, entering him and looking him in the eye. His eyes widened and he gasped inaudibly, but he knew all he needed to do was relax. He got used to it and I went into him further and further. He now started to moan and lay his head back.
“Oh wow”, he suddenly exclaimed. “No-one told me gay sex was this gooood!”
I smiled and continued fucking him, making more speed and going in deeper. The moaning continued as he held onto the headboard. His hole was so tight and it felt very good, clearly for both of us. As I fucked him, I couldn’t resist touching the muscular body in front of me. I touched his hairy pecs and played with his nipples, which drove him crazy. I touched his abs, which were hidden under a beautiful layer of fur. And then I saw his hard cock, flopping up and down against his body with my thrusts. I picked it up, only just getting my hand around the thick base, making it point to the sky.
“Ah! Ahhh!”, he managed to get out, until spurt after spurt of cum shot through the sky, unto Jeff’s chest and face. He soaked himself. It was so hot to watch, that I couldn’t hold back any longer. Inside of him, I came in the condom.
He seemed incredibly surprised by everything that had gone on.
“Oh my God… I… wow…”, was all he could say as he wiped his cum off his face.
“You did great”, I said.
“That was one of the best orgasms of my life”, he said, still breathing heavily. “I mean, I’m exhausted”, he said, as he stuck out his tongue.
I smiled.
We fell asleep cuddling. I woke up, spooning him. After all that had gone down these past few days, I never would have expected to be holding this man in my arms by the end of the weekend. His snoring was like music to my ears as he slept so peacefully, his ass against my crotch. I wondered if this was going to be a one-time thing for him, if he would maybe be disgusted by himself once he woke up. Or maybe he would think it was an enjoyable experience and never speak of it again. I decided to enjoy it while it lasted and I nuzzled my nose into his neck.
When he eventually woke up, he turned around and looked me in the eye. I wasn’t sure how this would go. He smiled.
“Hey man”, he said, “that was one hell of a night.”
“It sure was!”
“My flight isn’t until 1.30, we got time for another round, no?”
“Hey dude, you’re early!”, Ben walked in, smiling brightly.
“Hey, good morning”, I said, happy to see him.
In his white T-shirt and black shorts, he was looking rather good.
Ben joined me on the stationary bicycles and we discussed our workout routines. We never worked out together before, even though we had known each other for a while. He said he’d had the same workout buddy for quite some time, some guy Stephen he went to college with. I mentioned working out with Mikey before, back when we did MMA training together.
Slightly later than agreed, Mikey walked in with Jeff. Despite their drinking from last night, they both looked pretty good this early in the morning. Jeff wore a white tanktop and some red shorts. His shoulders and arms looked so muscular.
“H-how are you this morning, Jeff?”, I asked.
The last I had seen of him was when he stumbled into his hotel.
“I’m OK, actually!”, he said, smiling, “I don’t remember everything but I’m sure it was fine… right?”
As Jeff and Mikey also started getting their cardio on, I hoped Jeff had forgotten about challenging me to a fight the night before. Even though I felt confident I would be able to beat him, I preferred to avoid it all together. I hated admitting it to myself, but despite all of his jabs at me and my sexuality, I was starting to develop a crush on Jeff. I liked him. And this wasn’t going to be sparring for practice, he wanted an actual fight. I knew I would be hesitant to show my best if it were to come down to it.
I decided to just go ahead with my workout. I noticed Jeff had taken off his tanktop and was using one of boxing bags. I let my eyes go over his hairy upper body and I could feel myself salivating. He was really going at it.
“Done with your set?”, I heard from my left. It was Ben. “Or just getting distracted?”
He winked at me. I laughed it off, but I felt caught at the same time. I handed over my weights to him, and glanced back at Jeff. He was standing there in just his red shorts and gave me a nod. I nodded back. He motioned for me to come over, which I did.
“Do you wanna go for a few rounds?”, he asked.
“Let’s not”, I started, “we can do some sparring if you like?”
I saw a cocky smile appear on his face.
“Awww. Are you getting scared, gay boy?”
Despite the developing crush, I felt myself getting angry.
“OK, you know what? You’re on!”
Jeff laughed and shook my hand.
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Jeff |
Ben and Mikey stood outside of the ring and watched intently, excited for what was about to happen. I looked at Jeff as he stretched in the ring. His squarecuts left little to the imagination. It’s possible he was trying to distract me. But it was not going to happen.
When Mikey gave the signal, the match was on. I let Jeff come to me. He exuded arrogance. I avoided his first punch. And a second. Finally he landed one on my shoulder and he bent sideways to punch me in the ribs. I felt the pain go through my upper body, but I didn’t show anything.
“Come on Amir!”, I heard from outside the ring.
I felt fired up. I took initiative and kicked Jeff in the leg, twice in a row, and then another kick in the ribs. I could tell he felt winded. We circled each other some more and I could see his cocky smile fading. There was some more back and forth. Jeff was an excellent fighter with many moves. With his long limbs it was easy for him to hit or kick me. But it was clear he was surprised by my defense skills and tenacity.
Meanwhile, I was anticipating. The sideways bend for a punch in the ribs. I knew he would try it again. It took longer than I had counted on. But there it was. Once again right after a jab to my shoulder. He was close enough. I was able to strike him in the hip, causing him to double over. I punched him in the back of the neck, knowing it had the potential to knock his lights out.
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Jeff |
Mikey had entered the ring out of concern. I sat Jeff up to rub his neck, hoping to get his circulation going.
“Where did you learn to do that?”, Mikey asked me, confused but in awe.
“I taught myself.”
Jeff eventually woke up, slightly dazed. Eventually he was able to stand up and walk out of the ring himself. Ben approached me.
“Well done”, he said, winking.
In the locker room, Jeff congratulated me on beating him. Yet he seemed confused as to what exactly happened. I gave him a short explanation about pressure points, but he remained confused.
In the afternoon I saw everyone again for the rehearsal ceremony and rehearsal dinner. We all had dressed quite formally, but none of us were in our wedding outfits. I saw Jeff in khaki slacks and again a checkered shirt. He looked hot as hell.
We ran through the ceremony, for which I as the best man had an important role. Also at the rehearsal dinner, I learned when I got to give my speech. For the rehearsal I kept it simpler and I didn’t give away what I would say the following day.
After the rehearsal dinner, Jeff came up to me.
“Hey”, he said.
“Hi! How are you feeling?”
“I’m… I’m fine, thanks. I just wanted… I wanted to apologize to you.”
I was surprised.
“About what?”
“I was… teasing you. About your sexuality. Pretty much from the second we met. I’m sorry. You’re the first gay person I’ve met. I just didn’t… I was being an asshole.”
I smiled. Living in Miami, I couldn’t imagine I was the first gay person he’d met. Possibly the first person he was aware of. But even that seemed unlikely.
“I appreciate it that, man!”
It was all I could think of to say. I gave him a pat on the shoulder and walked away.
The next morning I skipped out on the gym, even though Mikey had asked me to go earlier. But today was going to be a long day and I gladly took the extra hour of sleep. Also, I wanted to avoid the possibility of a rematch or any awkwardness. Jeff had suddenly been much nicer to me, which I guessed was good, but there was still something weird, and I wasn’t sure why.
I drove to the 912 Regency Plaza hotel with my outfit in the backseat. I was quite interested in how it would feel to wear the kilt for the entire day. I went up to the room Mikey had texted me the number for. Ben, Jeff and Mikey were all there. We all hugged each other, realizing how special the day was.
Mikey’s room was quite large, with some sofas and comfortable chairs. The perfect place for a groom to prepare. No-one was in their official outfit yet. Mikey had bought us a bottle of whisky each to thank us and we had a drink to loosen us up. Mikey’s parents also showed up and Ben, Jeff and I left the room to give them some space.
“Let’s start this day of dress-up then, shall we?”, Jeff proposed, as he took us to his room.
Jeff had a nice room with two king beds.
“I’m presuming we’re all drinking at the reception, so you are more than welcome to crash here”, he said.
That made me happy, as I did kind of count on not having to drive back.
“Unless you’ll be hooking up with the maid of honor”, Jeff said in Ben’s direction.
He then turned to me.
“Or, you know, whoever.”
I chuckled.
One by one we went into the bathroom to put on our kilts and suits. Both Ben and Jeff looked amazing. Even though socks had to be pulled up high, their hairy, toned knees were on display. I made sure I had the ring and my speech in my jacket pocket and left the rest of my stuff in Jeff’s room. I figured I’d decide later if I’d take him up on his offer of sleeping there.
We walked back to Mikey’s room and he had also gotten dressed completely. Mikey was still fixing his hair and the rest of us sat around and had a second glass of whisky. I sat across from both Ben and Jeff, who shared the sofa.
Ben sat with his legs spread, causing the little bag on his crotch, called a sporran, to push down the kilt. His beautiful thighs were on display. But he wasn’t the one grabbing my attention.
Jeff was moving around more, sitting in different positions. He nervously pulled his kilt down each time, but I could have sworn I saw a glimpse of his balls at one point. I tried not to keep staring, but it was quite difficult. The more whisky he drank, the looser Jeff’s hips became.
Conversation was about the women in the wedding party. Demi’s sister, Bella, was the maid of honor and her best friend Katrina was one of the bridesmaids. It was discussed who was hotter. I remained silent throughout the discussion.
Then the time was finally there. We had to go downstairs and get ready for the ceremony. Jeff got up from the sofa and all of a sudden I saw everything. His genitals were a beautiful pink, shaved completely. A long, thick cock and large balls. It was only a second but I had the mental image for quite some time. I had immediately gotten rock hard and didn’t want to get up. My cock was already pushing up my kilt and I feared standing up would make it even more noticeable. But there was no avoiding it. Fortunately, thanks to the sporran, it wasn’t as noticeable, and I was able to walk it off as the four of us went to the elevator.
The ceremony was beautiful. Everything went off without a hitch. It was great to see Mikey and Demi get married, it was obvious how happy they were with each other. We were very fortunate with the weather as well, temperatures reached 84 degrees (29 Celsius). There were some clouds in the sky, but it remained dry. There was a slight wind, but none of the kilt-wearing men had any issues.
After the ceremony, the entire wedding party stayed to have photos taken. I noticed Jeff kept hanging around me, touching my shoulder, my arm, or my back, with a short comment.
“You did a great job up there, man!”
“Aren’t you loving these kilts? It’s like a Free Willy situation”
“Did you see anyone to go after during the reception?”
I’m sure he meant well, trying to make it up to me, but it confused me above all.
At dinner, I gave my speech. I stuttered a little at first, but after my first joke got a good laugh from the guests, I got into it and everything went smoothly. As the best man, during dinner I was seated with Mikey’s family and Ben and Jeff. Now that my speech was over, I decided I had deserved some drinks. I realized how stressed I had been this last week and the drinks kept coming. I started to relax and have a good time.
After dinner there was dancing. I soon enough realized how awkward dancing was while wearing a kilt. So I needed a few more drinks before I could let loose. I noticed Demi’s sister coming up to me at the bar and we talked a little. Soon enough, the bridesmaids joined us and I was surrounded by women. They wanted to know if I had a girlfriend. When I mentioned I was gay, they seemed thrilled. Yet when Ben and Jeff also came up to the bar, they got all of the attention.
Especially Ben had a way with the women and soon enough he was dancing with Katrina. Jeff tried it on with Bella, but she soon said she had to go to the bathroom and two bridesmaids followed her. This left me at the bar with Jeff. He downed his drink and looked at me. I could tell by his eyes he had been drinking too much, not unlike two nights ago.
“Hey man”, he said, “you were real funny before. Good job.”
He put a hand on my chest and then grabbed my shoulder.
“Do you want another drink?”
“Sure”, I said.
I felt intoxicated enough to go to the dancefloor and Jeff followed me. The odd feeling off my cock and balls swinging back and forth as I danced was something I got used to. Jeff was thinking along the same lines as he got closed to me and said, “Dancing like this feels great!”
And even though it hadn’t entered my mind all day, I suddenly thought back to seeing Jeff’s cock earlier that day. I remembered he looked beautiful down there. I smiled as I watched his drunken attempts at dancing. He had been trying to get closer to me all day, possibly wanting to make amends. Maybe we could even become friends.
I turned to get closer to him, so I could speak over the music.
“Hey man, I just wanted to say it was fun getting to know you this weekend.”
He looked at me in surprise.
“Really? You don’t hate me?”
I laughed.
He clenched his fist in the air as an expression of joy.
“All right!”
He gave me a hug.
“We should drink to this!”
Jeff ran off to the bar and came back with two drinks. It was a very strong drink, but I did end up drinking it.
I saw Jeff trying it on with some girls again, but he was way too drunk at this point and got shot down. He returned and danced with me instead. Ben I had lost all sight of, until I suddenly spotted him in the men’s restroom.
“Hey!”, he said, “Having a good time?”
“Absolutely”, I said.
“Hey, did Jeff apologize to you in any way?”
“Oh, yeah, that’s all fine now.”
“OK, cool. Wasn’t sure if he’d listen to me.”
It may have been the drink, but I felt it was quite a touching gesture on Ben’s part.
“Thanks, man”, I said, as I hugged him.
“No problem!”, he said as he looked in the mirror to fix his hair.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a look at that Katrina’s room.”
I laughed.
When I walked back to the dancefloor, I didn’t immediately see Jeff. It was getting kind of late, it was possible he had gone upstairs and gone to sleep. I noticed Mikey, Demi, Bella and the bridesmaids in the seating area and walked over to them. Bella and one of the bridesmaids were standing over someone sitting down. Mikey was standing a little further away, laughing. Demi was sitting next to the person, taking out her phone. When I got closer I realized what was going on.
Jeff had passed out in one of the chairs. The familiar snoring I had heard in my car two nights ago, was to be heard again tonight. Bella was lifting up Jeff’s kilt and put it over his waist, so his crotch was exposed. She started to take photos and Demi soon joined, putting her phone in his direction. Mikey was just there, laughing.
“Hey, come on”, I started, wanting to get closer to Jeff and cover him up.
Though once I came closer I noticed Jeff’s cock, limp, but beautiful. It rested on his testicles, in between his thick, hairy thighs. Now that I got a good look at it, I could tell it was about 5 inches, flaccid. It surprised me that he wasn’t circumcised. I could barely blame them for looking, or taking photos.
I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Hey, Amir, could you get Jeff to his room? I think he’s done for the night”, I heard Mikey’s voice say, followed by laughter.
All of them were wasted, clearly. I covered Jeff back up with his kilt, and turned to hug Mikey and Demi, thank them for a great day and wish them a fantastic honeymoon. They both thanked me right back.
Mikey then helped me get Jeff up and I put his arm around my neck so I could slowly walk him to the elevator. I waved everyone goodbye and there were still a few people partying the rest of the night away. Jeff was kind of walking with me, but he was far from conscious. At the sound of the elevator doors shutting, he became slightly aware of his surroundings.
“Oh… hey”, he said as he focused on me. “Where are we going?”
“I think it’s time you go to sleep”, I said.
“Yeah, it’s time”, he suddenly said, taking his arm back and standing by himself.
“It was a good day though, right?”
“Yes, it was great”, I agreed.
“I’m glad you don’t hate me”, he said, smiling at me.
The elevator doors opened and we walked onto the floor.
“Do you have your key card?”, I asked.
“Uhm. Yes”, he said, digging into his sporran.
He gave me the card.
“Thanks”, I said, walking ahead.
When I opened the door, I saw Jeff was just walking behind me by himself. He seemed fine again. Wobbly, sure, and far from going in a straight line. But still. We walked into the room.
“Can I tell you something?”
“Sure”, I responded as I went straight to the bathroom. My stuff was still here, including some toiletries and the clothes I’d arrived in. I left the door ajar as I started to brush my teeth.
“I’ve never had anyone knock me out before, and you know what?”
“It was kind of hot!”
I put my head out the door and saw Jeff sitting back on one of the beds, not making any moves to get ready to go to sleep. He had taken off the shoes and the socks, but that was it.
“Really?”, I asked, a toothbrush still in my mouth.
“Yeah… yeah, it was hot”, he continued, absent-mindedly.
I raised my eyebrows and went back into the bathroom. I put my suit and kilt back up on the hanger and changed into my boxerbriefs. It was quite nice to have support in the crotch area again.
I came out of the bathroom and Jeff was still sitting where he was.
“Bathroom’s all yours”, I said.
“Cool”, he said, not moving.
I went and got comfortable in one of the beds. I was convinced Jeff would soon pass back out. I was surprised he hadn’t yet. He stayed where he was.
“Do you need help with the bathroom stuff?”, I asked, looking at the back of his head as he sat on the foot of the bed beside me.
“No… no no.”
“I was just… I was thinking… Do you… Do you remember what I said?”
He was slurring his words and I had no idea where he was going with this.
“What did you say?”
“I said that…. That if you could beat me, you could fuck me up the ass.”
I laughed.
“I had completely forgotten about that”, I said, which was the truth.
There was silence again, only now Jeff turned his head and looked at me.
“Don’t worry about it”, I said.
“No… no no”, he repeated. “I think it’s only fair.”
Surprised, and still thinking this was a joke, I watched him slowly stand up and take off his jacket. He didn’t face me, he wasn’t trying to seduce me in any way. It was like he was doing another everyday chore. He took the white shirt out of his kilt and unbuttoned it, now slowly turning my way but looking down at what he was doing.
It was starting to dawn on me that he was serious. I could feel my cock starting to thicken.
“Jeff, you don’t have to if you don’t want to”, I said.
“Oh no, that’s OK”, he replied.
His hairy chest and stomach came into view and he must have noticed how I was looking him up and down.
“Are you into me?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I am.”
“OK, cool.”
He took off the sporran and let it drop to the floor. Now only wearing the kilt he sat on the side of the bed that I was in. He was leaning forward to kiss me. I let him. It was a slow, sensual kiss. My heart was beating out of control and I was hard as a rock. After a very nice kiss, he suddenly pulled back.
He looked at me, still sitting on the side of the bed.
“So, is anal sex any good, do you know?”
“Oh, it’s very nice”, I admitted.
He sighed, and then stood up.
“Right, let’s give it a shot then”, he said as he walked to his bag and reached inside.
He threw something from his bag in my direction, which I soon found was a condom. I looked back at him and saw he was dropping his kilt to the floor. His cock was semi-hard, but still hanging down, comfortably seven inches. He stood in front of me naked, a vision of masculinity. Hairy, all over, except his groin was shaven smooth.
“You’re beautiful”, I whispered.
“I… I don’t really know what to do”, he said, still standing there.
“Come lay in bed with me”, I said, surprising myself with how easily I took control of the situation.
I lifted the blanket so he could come lay next to me. I kissed him again and played with his cock, which was growing into a very impressive, thick 9 inches. I enjoyed letting the foreskin go back and forth over his cockhead. His cock had a downwards curve to it, but at one point he was definitely rock hard. Considering his intoxication level, that was more than I could have expected. Jeff hesitantly reciprocated and jerked me off as well. I, however, was already very hard.
“Now what?”, he suddenly asked.
“We gotta get you ready”, I said, reaching around and cupping his ass.
I felt around in his crack. He twitched when I touched his hole.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle”, I whispered.
He put his leg over mine so I had easier access. We looked at each other, and there was something very intimate about this.
When I noticed he was starting to relax, I played with his hole some more, to loosen him up. I could easily put my finger in. When I did, I could tell he clenched up around me.
“Oh!”, is the only sound he made.
“It’s OK”, I said, keeping eye contact.
It took a while, but then I noticed he started getting into it. He easily allowed me to put the second finger in. He moaned slightly.
I was still hard as a rock and put the condom on. I sat up on my knees and got Jeff to lay on his back in the middle of the bed. I now saw that he was still erect, his cock reaching up to his belly button. This man was huge in every way and I felt fortunate to be the first to fuck him. I kept it slow, entering him and looking him in the eye. His eyes widened and he gasped inaudibly, but he knew all he needed to do was relax. He got used to it and I went into him further and further. He now started to moan and lay his head back.
“Oh wow”, he suddenly exclaimed. “No-one told me gay sex was this gooood!”
I smiled and continued fucking him, making more speed and going in deeper. The moaning continued as he held onto the headboard. His hole was so tight and it felt very good, clearly for both of us. As I fucked him, I couldn’t resist touching the muscular body in front of me. I touched his hairy pecs and played with his nipples, which drove him crazy. I touched his abs, which were hidden under a beautiful layer of fur. And then I saw his hard cock, flopping up and down against his body with my thrusts. I picked it up, only just getting my hand around the thick base, making it point to the sky.
“Ah! Ahhh!”, he managed to get out, until spurt after spurt of cum shot through the sky, unto Jeff’s chest and face. He soaked himself. It was so hot to watch, that I couldn’t hold back any longer. Inside of him, I came in the condom.
He seemed incredibly surprised by everything that had gone on.
“Oh my God… I… wow…”, was all he could say as he wiped his cum off his face.
“You did great”, I said.
“That was one of the best orgasms of my life”, he said, still breathing heavily. “I mean, I’m exhausted”, he said, as he stuck out his tongue.
I smiled.
We fell asleep cuddling. I woke up, spooning him. After all that had gone down these past few days, I never would have expected to be holding this man in my arms by the end of the weekend. His snoring was like music to my ears as he slept so peacefully, his ass against my crotch. I wondered if this was going to be a one-time thing for him, if he would maybe be disgusted by himself once he woke up. Or maybe he would think it was an enjoyable experience and never speak of it again. I decided to enjoy it while it lasted and I nuzzled my nose into his neck.
When he eventually woke up, he turned around and looked me in the eye. I wasn’t sure how this would go. He smiled.
“Hey man”, he said, “that was one hell of a night.”
“It sure was!”
“My flight isn’t until 1.30, we got time for another round, no?”
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