Harrison shortly leaned into the kitchen with a big smile. I chuckled.
“Happy drop-off day. Good morning!”
“Mornin’, mate!”
Harrison scuffled off, likely late for his shift on deck. I was in the middle of making the Captain’s breakfast. The week had gone by so fast. The Mendez family had been great to work for. They had enjoyed everything and I felt confident we were going to get a great tip.
Becca had definitely done her bit too, as she had promised. Together with Todd, she had arranged that Harrison would come along to every excursion, as one of the daughters had a crush on him. In a way, I was jealous. As Harrison had gotten to see Positano, Capri and Napels. And I was just in the galley for pretty much the entire week. But I felt confident it would pay off today.
I brought Captain’s breakfast to the bridge. We would soon start heading towards the dock, so I knew he preferred to get his breakfast served, as opposed to coming to get it in the crew mess. Some captains expected their breakfast brought to them every day, and stews would make sure it happened. Not Captain Aaron. But on drop-off day it made sense. And I liked doing it myself.
When I came into the bridge, Captain was discussing the docking with Todd. I knew Todd had already had breakfast, we had eaten together almost every morning.
“Oh, thanks so much! I can’t believe you remember.”
I smiled.
“It’s drop-off day!”
I ran back to the galley, thinking the pastries I had put in the oven for the guests would be about done. And my timing was perfect. Just a few more versions of eggs and I would be done with the final guest meal for this charter.
Soon, we would drop the Mendez family off. And we would only pick up the next charter tomorrow. So tonight would be a crew night out. I was looking forward to it. To blow off steam, but also get to know the rest of the crew better.
I had gotten to know Todd quite well. We had our little breakfast tradition,
and at the end of his shift he would do dishes in the galley. And he would
randomly pop into the galley anyway when something smelled good or he was
feeling peckish.
Becca had a tendency to just sit on my counter and chat every now and then. So I knew her quite well too. I had shortly chatted with Harrison and Yasmin during the beach lunch. But that’s about it. I barely knew the others. So a crew night out would be fun.
Once breakfast was served, and the guests were eating, I went on deck and felt the wind as I saw the Italian coastline. I smiled. On the deck above I could hear Todd talking to Rodrigo about fenders. He was instructing his deckhands about the upcoming docking.
I decided to try and find a spot to watch where guests couldn’t see me. There was something about seeing deckhands in tight shorts at work, bending over the side to check fenders or the anchor. We were approaching the dock, and I noticed the guests were going inside to pack their bags.
I spotted Harrison and Danielle on the stern getting off the lines, getting ready to throw them. I also saw Todd on his radio, telling the Captain the distance to the dock. He was also instructing his deckhands. He looked sweaty but in charge as this massive boat was carefully maneuvered in between two others.
The docking went well. I went back to the galley where Yasmin and Gloria were
chatting and doing the dishes. I had already cleaned my kitchen. I could take
my time putting on my white uniform for drop-off. As I got out of the cabin,
Todd came in, looking sweaty.
“That went well”, I said.
“First docking with a new crew! It’s always nerve-wracking, but yes. Went well.”
There was something sexy about watching him doing his job. He quickly had to get changed as well as guests were about to leave the boat.
We said goodbye to the Mendez family, who genuinely seemed to have had a great time on board. They thanked me profusely for the amazing food in front of the captain. Score. But it sounded like everyone had done a great job and that we had worked well as a team.
I could change back into my off-charter uniform. I made crew lunch. In the tip meeting, Captain Aaron revealed we had gotten a great tip. Captain complimented us on our team work and work ethic.
He told us to enjoy our night off, and that it was OK to enjoy the boat while it was empty. Just as long as we cleaned up after ourselves and didn’t break anything. I already knew Captain Aaron had this rule, and on most boats there was no way crew could use the Jacuzzi or sleep in guest quarters on nights off. This is why I loved working for Captain Aaron. He would sometimes even join us on crew nights out, but that was a while ago now.
Our next charter would pick up tomorrow at 4.00 PM. Captain held me, Becca and Todd back to inform us about our new guests. I loved it. It seemed to be 8 US gay men in their 40s. Some couples, some not. Most importantly for me, two of them were vegan, one vegetarian, and one gluten intolerant. I smiled. This would be a challenge, but one I enjoyed.
Becca sighed at the requests for themed parties and dinners.
“You’re always awesome at those”, Todd said.
“Let us know if you need any help”, I added. “Let’s just plan them out in a way that it becomes doable.”
“I love when my heads of department work together”, Captain smiled proudly.
Becca and I planned out dinners. I was writing out my menus. By the end of the afternoon, we had a long list of food, drinks, and decorations to order. The other stews had been cleaning the common areas, the deckhands had been cleaning the outside of the boat. But at one point, everyone was done for the day.
Beers were opened and people got dressed for the night out. At first I was just sitting in the crew mess with Danielle and Harrison. Danielle seemed like a fun young woman from Australia. I immediately respected her for being a woman in a male-dominated field. She was very funny. The three of us were joking around. The beers were going pretty quick, so inevitably I needed the bathroom.
I walked into my cabin and into the bathroom to find Todd showering. He turned
“Hey”, he smiled.
His body was shiny, wet, humpy, and beautiful.
“Oh, sorry”, I said.
“Oh you can pee if you want.”
I stood still, shrugged, and walked to the bathroom. I pulled out my cock and started to pee. I reasoned I should take advantage of this openness as he still didn’t know I’m gay. I was sure it would come up in conversation tonight, now that Harrison and Yasmin did know. And surely he would begin behaving differently then.
“So are you more of a dancing type of guy when you go out? Or a sit down and chat type of guy?”
I was surprised. We were actually going to continue conversation while I was taking a piss.
“Both, sort of. Tonight I really want to let off steam, so dancing would be great. But I am in my thirties now, so the sitting down and chatting will be most of the night.”
Todd chuckled.
“Same here.”
I couldn’t help continuing to sneak glances at Todd as he showered right next
to me. His beefy buttocks looked perfect for squeezing. I had seen them several
times before and yet, only now, I felt my cock thicken in my hand in their
presence. Was it because of the beers?
I shook my dick, wiped, and flushed. I quickly zipped up, to make sure Todd wouldn’t catch me with a semi-erect penis. I washed my hands.
“I’ll be right out”, he said.
“Yeah, no rush”, I replied.
As I dried my hands I took one last look at his curvaceous ass and I walked back to the crew mess. Having gotten to know Todd, maybe I was developing a crush on him after all? I decided to shake it off.
“Jay!”, Danielle said excitedly. “Becca got us nachos!”
I smiled.
“Becca is the best after all.”
Once everyone was ready, we walked off the boat and off the dock to find a taxi minivan parked in the front. And off we went!
I sat in between Gloria and Todd. Naturally, I was more curious to get to know Gloria. I had seen her in the galley regularly this past week, but I knew very little about her. She said this was only her second season as a yachtie, and her previous boat was much smaller.
“I am exhausted. I’ve never scrubbed this many toilets in one week”, she laughed.
Gloria was quite talkative, Todd didn’t get a word in edgewise. She was talking about how she was going to send today’s tip to her parents in Cuba when we arrived at the restaurant. Todd had to bend forward to get out of the minivan, his ass was right in my face.
As we walked into the outside seating area of this very luxurious restaurant
called Suscettibile, I realized I had to try and stop thinking about Todd’s
ass. I found a spot at the corner of the table, sitting next to Harrison. And
yet, to my surprise, Todd sat down across from me.
Even though his face was going to be right in front of me for this upcoming fancy meal, I again shook it off. Todd was one of those ‘color within the lines’, former airforce sergeant type of guys. Straight. Sweet, but maybe a little boring. Why was I suddenly so obsessed with him? Was it because I had seen so few other men in the last week? I told myself to get a grip.
It felt amazing to be the one to get food brought to my table for once. And it was delicious too. A few of us at the table were sharing a wonderful red wine. Harrison was drinking beer and drinking it fast. He spoke louder and louder the more he drank. It was not really suitable for a place like this. Otherwise I was having a great time. Todd even made a few pretty funny jokes.
I wasn’t sure if Harrison’s accent was coming out more because of the alcohol, or it just made him mumble more. But by the time we were paying the check, it was hard to understand a word he was saying.
Two regular cabs showed up to take us to the club.
“Boys’ taxi!”, Harrison shouted.
He pulled me and Rodrigo into one of the cabs. Todd obediently followed and got in the passenger’s seat. I sat next to Rodrigo, who was in the middle of the back seat.
“Ro, are you going to make a move on Yasmin?”
Harrison had to repeat his question a few times before Rodrigo got it.
“I don’t know. I’ll see how the evening goes. She’s very nice.”
“You did say you liked her! And she likes you back.”
“I know. I’m just having fun. No expectations.”
“Todd, how about you? Fancy any of the girls?”
“I don’t really fancy any of the girls on our crew”, he replied from the front.
“There’ll be fit girls at the club.”
I had a feeling Rodrigo and Todd were a bit annoyed by Harrison’s drunken behavior. And I could see where they were coming from. I realized Harrison had told Rodrigo what Yasmin had said about him at the beach lunch. That’s not very discrete. I wondered if he had also…
“And some fit guys for Jay!”, Harrison said. Loudly.
Rodrigo looked at me.
“He’s… a lot, isn’t he?”, he said softly.
I realized they knew that I was gay. And they had known for a while. Harrison had told them. Which, I didn’t really mind. I just hadn’t expected it.
We got out of the cab in front of a club called JUMP. I saw the female crew members and wondered if they all knew. We went in. We got drinks and went to the dancefloor. It was sort of an 80s disco vibe that I really liked. We stood in a circle and danced.
Becca was to my right. I decided to ask her. I leaned toward her so she could
hear me over the music.
“Does the entire crew know I’m gay?”
She shrugged.
“Not sure. I think so, yeah. Is that OK? You know none of us care.”
“Sure. But how does everyone know?”
“I can tell you how I know! Danielle is my roomie, right? One night she said she thought you were the most attractive on the crew. And like, a day later she said Harrison told her you were gay.”
“On deck they tell each other everything. She said that Harrison said he was into Yasmin, but later he flirted with Danielle. And it had been awkward.”
“You think the entire deck crew knows?”
“For sure.”
“Even Todd?”
“Definitely Todd.”
I laughed.
“Why definitely Todd?”
“I don’t know, he seems… fascinated by you. He admires you for having a dream and making it happen from the ground up.”
“Aww. That’s kind of sweet.”
“He is. He’s not gay though. That I know of. Recently divorced a woman.”
“I know. Harrison told me.”
Becca laughed.
“All about the gossip, that guy.”
I had realized Todd had been around me for most of the night. Even right now, he was dancing across from me. He wasn’t a great dancer. But I couldn’t deny I had started seeing him in a different light throughout this past week. I didn’t know exactly what I felt just yet, but when I saw him smile at me, I felt something warm inside.
Becca leaned back to me.
“I hope you don’t mind your coming-out being taken away from you.”
“Not at all. I guess I just forgot how quick boat gossip works.”
Becca smiled.
“Wait, where is Harrison?”, Becca asked me.
We had been in the club for like an hour. I was just getting to that point where I wanted to sit down. There were only five of us in the circle. I looked at the bar. Harrison was leaning on it, stabilizing himself. He was not ordering, just kind of swaying back and forth. He needed to go home. Also at the bar were Rodrigo and Yasmin making out. So that ended up happening.
“Maybe it’s time to get back to the boat”, Becca said.
Becca was going outside to call the taxi company with her flawless Italian. I got everyone together, ready to leave. Only Harrison didn’t want to go. Despite being unable to stand by himself, he pushed me away.
“Come on man, you’re wasted.”
Todd suddenly stood next to me to help. With him being Harrison’s boss, it convinced Harrison to allow us to support him as we walked to the exit.
“We had a good time, didn’t we?”, I asked.
I couldn’t understand his mumbled reply.
“I did too”, Todd said.
This time it was a minivan again and we all got in. Harrison passed out with his face against the window from the second we started driving. Rodrigo and Yasmin were still making out.
When we got to the marina, Todd and I got Harrison on board and to bed. He slept in the top bunk, but since Rodrigo wasn’t going to sleep there, we happily put him in the bottom one for tonight. Rodrigo and Yasmin were predictably off to use a guest cabin.
Todd and I got changed into swimming shorts and went into the Jacuzzi. Becca, Danielle and Gloria were already there. We soaked in the warm water and chatted. I did catch Danielle taking a few glances at my chest and I felt flattered. I realized that I was quite tipsy myself. But then probably so was everyone.
We talked about working on superyachts. There are very few jobs where in between working hours you’re tipsy in a Jacuzzi with your co-workers. And in some cases with your boss. Living with them is weird enough. But it’s all part of being a yachtie. I had enjoyed that life a lot for several years. Though I hadn’t particularly missed it.
We were all getting tired and decided to go to bed. Todd told us to all dry off completely, so we wouldn’t slip on the stairs. And he was right. It was hard enough to balance with all that alcohol in our systems. But we all reached our cabins without falling.
Todd and I brushed our teeth side by side. For some reason he started having a
laughing fit, so I had one too. We had to spit the foamy toothpaste out so we
could stop laughing. He put a hand on my shoulder.
"I had a good time today man”, he said.
“Me too”, I replied.
He walked out of our bathroom and started taking off his swimming trunks. I did the same. We were both naked. Naked and tipsy. I realized I had a boner. His butt was so beautiful.
He turned around and hugged me.
“Sleep well”, he said. “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
He must have felt my boner. He knew I was gay. And yet he acted like this. I didn’t understand.
Todd went to lay down in his bed. I tried to climb up to my top bunk, but I was too drunk.
“You… you can sleep down here if you want”, Todd offered.
“Happy drop-off day. Good morning!”
“Mornin’, mate!”
Harrison scuffled off, likely late for his shift on deck. I was in the middle of making the Captain’s breakfast. The week had gone by so fast. The Mendez family had been great to work for. They had enjoyed everything and I felt confident we were going to get a great tip.
Becca had definitely done her bit too, as she had promised. Together with Todd, she had arranged that Harrison would come along to every excursion, as one of the daughters had a crush on him. In a way, I was jealous. As Harrison had gotten to see Positano, Capri and Napels. And I was just in the galley for pretty much the entire week. But I felt confident it would pay off today.
I brought Captain’s breakfast to the bridge. We would soon start heading towards the dock, so I knew he preferred to get his breakfast served, as opposed to coming to get it in the crew mess. Some captains expected their breakfast brought to them every day, and stews would make sure it happened. Not Captain Aaron. But on drop-off day it made sense. And I liked doing it myself.
When I came into the bridge, Captain was discussing the docking with Todd. I knew Todd had already had breakfast, we had eaten together almost every morning.
“Oh, thanks so much! I can’t believe you remember.”
I smiled.
“It’s drop-off day!”
I ran back to the galley, thinking the pastries I had put in the oven for the guests would be about done. And my timing was perfect. Just a few more versions of eggs and I would be done with the final guest meal for this charter.
Soon, we would drop the Mendez family off. And we would only pick up the next charter tomorrow. So tonight would be a crew night out. I was looking forward to it. To blow off steam, but also get to know the rest of the crew better.
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Todd |
Becca had a tendency to just sit on my counter and chat every now and then. So I knew her quite well too. I had shortly chatted with Harrison and Yasmin during the beach lunch. But that’s about it. I barely knew the others. So a crew night out would be fun.
Once breakfast was served, and the guests were eating, I went on deck and felt the wind as I saw the Italian coastline. I smiled. On the deck above I could hear Todd talking to Rodrigo about fenders. He was instructing his deckhands about the upcoming docking.
I decided to try and find a spot to watch where guests couldn’t see me. There was something about seeing deckhands in tight shorts at work, bending over the side to check fenders or the anchor. We were approaching the dock, and I noticed the guests were going inside to pack their bags.
I spotted Harrison and Danielle on the stern getting off the lines, getting ready to throw them. I also saw Todd on his radio, telling the Captain the distance to the dock. He was also instructing his deckhands. He looked sweaty but in charge as this massive boat was carefully maneuvered in between two others.
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Todd |
“That went well”, I said.
“First docking with a new crew! It’s always nerve-wracking, but yes. Went well.”
There was something sexy about watching him doing his job. He quickly had to get changed as well as guests were about to leave the boat.
We said goodbye to the Mendez family, who genuinely seemed to have had a great time on board. They thanked me profusely for the amazing food in front of the captain. Score. But it sounded like everyone had done a great job and that we had worked well as a team.
I could change back into my off-charter uniform. I made crew lunch. In the tip meeting, Captain Aaron revealed we had gotten a great tip. Captain complimented us on our team work and work ethic.
He told us to enjoy our night off, and that it was OK to enjoy the boat while it was empty. Just as long as we cleaned up after ourselves and didn’t break anything. I already knew Captain Aaron had this rule, and on most boats there was no way crew could use the Jacuzzi or sleep in guest quarters on nights off. This is why I loved working for Captain Aaron. He would sometimes even join us on crew nights out, but that was a while ago now.
Our next charter would pick up tomorrow at 4.00 PM. Captain held me, Becca and Todd back to inform us about our new guests. I loved it. It seemed to be 8 US gay men in their 40s. Some couples, some not. Most importantly for me, two of them were vegan, one vegetarian, and one gluten intolerant. I smiled. This would be a challenge, but one I enjoyed.
Becca sighed at the requests for themed parties and dinners.
“You’re always awesome at those”, Todd said.
“Let us know if you need any help”, I added. “Let’s just plan them out in a way that it becomes doable.”
“I love when my heads of department work together”, Captain smiled proudly.
Becca and I planned out dinners. I was writing out my menus. By the end of the afternoon, we had a long list of food, drinks, and decorations to order. The other stews had been cleaning the common areas, the deckhands had been cleaning the outside of the boat. But at one point, everyone was done for the day.
Beers were opened and people got dressed for the night out. At first I was just sitting in the crew mess with Danielle and Harrison. Danielle seemed like a fun young woman from Australia. I immediately respected her for being a woman in a male-dominated field. She was very funny. The three of us were joking around. The beers were going pretty quick, so inevitably I needed the bathroom.
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Todd |
“Hey”, he smiled.
His body was shiny, wet, humpy, and beautiful.
“Oh, sorry”, I said.
“Oh you can pee if you want.”
I stood still, shrugged, and walked to the bathroom. I pulled out my cock and started to pee. I reasoned I should take advantage of this openness as he still didn’t know I’m gay. I was sure it would come up in conversation tonight, now that Harrison and Yasmin did know. And surely he would begin behaving differently then.
“So are you more of a dancing type of guy when you go out? Or a sit down and chat type of guy?”
I was surprised. We were actually going to continue conversation while I was taking a piss.
“Both, sort of. Tonight I really want to let off steam, so dancing would be great. But I am in my thirties now, so the sitting down and chatting will be most of the night.”
Todd chuckled.
“Same here.”
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Todd |
I shook my dick, wiped, and flushed. I quickly zipped up, to make sure Todd wouldn’t catch me with a semi-erect penis. I washed my hands.
“I’ll be right out”, he said.
“Yeah, no rush”, I replied.
As I dried my hands I took one last look at his curvaceous ass and I walked back to the crew mess. Having gotten to know Todd, maybe I was developing a crush on him after all? I decided to shake it off.
“Jay!”, Danielle said excitedly. “Becca got us nachos!”
I smiled.
“Becca is the best after all.”
Once everyone was ready, we walked off the boat and off the dock to find a taxi minivan parked in the front. And off we went!
I sat in between Gloria and Todd. Naturally, I was more curious to get to know Gloria. I had seen her in the galley regularly this past week, but I knew very little about her. She said this was only her second season as a yachtie, and her previous boat was much smaller.
“I am exhausted. I’ve never scrubbed this many toilets in one week”, she laughed.
Gloria was quite talkative, Todd didn’t get a word in edgewise. She was talking about how she was going to send today’s tip to her parents in Cuba when we arrived at the restaurant. Todd had to bend forward to get out of the minivan, his ass was right in my face.
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Todd |
Even though his face was going to be right in front of me for this upcoming fancy meal, I again shook it off. Todd was one of those ‘color within the lines’, former airforce sergeant type of guys. Straight. Sweet, but maybe a little boring. Why was I suddenly so obsessed with him? Was it because I had seen so few other men in the last week? I told myself to get a grip.
It felt amazing to be the one to get food brought to my table for once. And it was delicious too. A few of us at the table were sharing a wonderful red wine. Harrison was drinking beer and drinking it fast. He spoke louder and louder the more he drank. It was not really suitable for a place like this. Otherwise I was having a great time. Todd even made a few pretty funny jokes.
I wasn’t sure if Harrison’s accent was coming out more because of the alcohol, or it just made him mumble more. But by the time we were paying the check, it was hard to understand a word he was saying.
Two regular cabs showed up to take us to the club.
“Boys’ taxi!”, Harrison shouted.
He pulled me and Rodrigo into one of the cabs. Todd obediently followed and got in the passenger’s seat. I sat next to Rodrigo, who was in the middle of the back seat.
“Ro, are you going to make a move on Yasmin?”
Harrison had to repeat his question a few times before Rodrigo got it.
“I don’t know. I’ll see how the evening goes. She’s very nice.”
“You did say you liked her! And she likes you back.”
“I know. I’m just having fun. No expectations.”
“Todd, how about you? Fancy any of the girls?”
“I don’t really fancy any of the girls on our crew”, he replied from the front.
“There’ll be fit girls at the club.”
I had a feeling Rodrigo and Todd were a bit annoyed by Harrison’s drunken behavior. And I could see where they were coming from. I realized Harrison had told Rodrigo what Yasmin had said about him at the beach lunch. That’s not very discrete. I wondered if he had also…
“And some fit guys for Jay!”, Harrison said. Loudly.
Rodrigo looked at me.
“He’s… a lot, isn’t he?”, he said softly.
I realized they knew that I was gay. And they had known for a while. Harrison had told them. Which, I didn’t really mind. I just hadn’t expected it.
We got out of the cab in front of a club called JUMP. I saw the female crew members and wondered if they all knew. We went in. We got drinks and went to the dancefloor. It was sort of an 80s disco vibe that I really liked. We stood in a circle and danced.
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Todd |
“Does the entire crew know I’m gay?”
She shrugged.
“Not sure. I think so, yeah. Is that OK? You know none of us care.”
“Sure. But how does everyone know?”
“I can tell you how I know! Danielle is my roomie, right? One night she said she thought you were the most attractive on the crew. And like, a day later she said Harrison told her you were gay.”
“On deck they tell each other everything. She said that Harrison said he was into Yasmin, but later he flirted with Danielle. And it had been awkward.”
“You think the entire deck crew knows?”
“For sure.”
“Even Todd?”
“Definitely Todd.”
I laughed.
“Why definitely Todd?”
“I don’t know, he seems… fascinated by you. He admires you for having a dream and making it happen from the ground up.”
“Aww. That’s kind of sweet.”
“He is. He’s not gay though. That I know of. Recently divorced a woman.”
“I know. Harrison told me.”
Becca laughed.
“All about the gossip, that guy.”
I had realized Todd had been around me for most of the night. Even right now, he was dancing across from me. He wasn’t a great dancer. But I couldn’t deny I had started seeing him in a different light throughout this past week. I didn’t know exactly what I felt just yet, but when I saw him smile at me, I felt something warm inside.
Becca leaned back to me.
“I hope you don’t mind your coming-out being taken away from you.”
“Not at all. I guess I just forgot how quick boat gossip works.”
Becca smiled.
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Harrison |
We had been in the club for like an hour. I was just getting to that point where I wanted to sit down. There were only five of us in the circle. I looked at the bar. Harrison was leaning on it, stabilizing himself. He was not ordering, just kind of swaying back and forth. He needed to go home. Also at the bar were Rodrigo and Yasmin making out. So that ended up happening.
“Maybe it’s time to get back to the boat”, Becca said.
Becca was going outside to call the taxi company with her flawless Italian. I got everyone together, ready to leave. Only Harrison didn’t want to go. Despite being unable to stand by himself, he pushed me away.
“Come on man, you’re wasted.”
Todd suddenly stood next to me to help. With him being Harrison’s boss, it convinced Harrison to allow us to support him as we walked to the exit.
“We had a good time, didn’t we?”, I asked.
I couldn’t understand his mumbled reply.
“I did too”, Todd said.
This time it was a minivan again and we all got in. Harrison passed out with his face against the window from the second we started driving. Rodrigo and Yasmin were still making out.
When we got to the marina, Todd and I got Harrison on board and to bed. He slept in the top bunk, but since Rodrigo wasn’t going to sleep there, we happily put him in the bottom one for tonight. Rodrigo and Yasmin were predictably off to use a guest cabin.
Todd and I got changed into swimming shorts and went into the Jacuzzi. Becca, Danielle and Gloria were already there. We soaked in the warm water and chatted. I did catch Danielle taking a few glances at my chest and I felt flattered. I realized that I was quite tipsy myself. But then probably so was everyone.
We talked about working on superyachts. There are very few jobs where in between working hours you’re tipsy in a Jacuzzi with your co-workers. And in some cases with your boss. Living with them is weird enough. But it’s all part of being a yachtie. I had enjoyed that life a lot for several years. Though I hadn’t particularly missed it.
We were all getting tired and decided to go to bed. Todd told us to all dry off completely, so we wouldn’t slip on the stairs. And he was right. It was hard enough to balance with all that alcohol in our systems. But we all reached our cabins without falling.
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Todd |
"I had a good time today man”, he said.
“Me too”, I replied.
He walked out of our bathroom and started taking off his swimming trunks. I did the same. We were both naked. Naked and tipsy. I realized I had a boner. His butt was so beautiful.
He turned around and hugged me.
“Sleep well”, he said. “I had a lot of fun tonight.”
He must have felt my boner. He knew I was gay. And yet he acted like this. I didn’t understand.
Todd went to lay down in his bed. I tried to climb up to my top bunk, but I was too drunk.
“You… you can sleep down here if you want”, Todd offered.
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