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Dale |
I turned on my side in the pull-out bed. Laura looked to be fast asleep in the other bed across the room. I could relate that spending a long time with your own family could be exhausting, and I also knew just how uncomfortable it can be to be the only single person in a group. So I knew exactly why Laura invited me.
Though at the same time, I had felt right at home. Despite being single and not a part of this family. Although it did feel like everyone was going out of their way to make me feel welcome. And to be honest, all of the men at the table had just looked so damn good. I was looking forward to the rest of the week.
After chatting with Ken on the way to the restaurant, when he had so casually come out as bisexual, I’d sat next to Dale during dinner. He had been interested in what my life was like now, but it wasn’t long until he was reminiscing like a true Dad.
“Wasn’t it with us that you first drank Kool-Aid? And you first did the Slip ‘N Slide?”
Memories from happy summers at the Barner home had come rushing back to me. I remembered Dale in his swimming shorts in 2002, his hair darker than now, his body even fitter. He was still a very sexy man, although the grey was quickly taking over, his scruffy beard was white and his abs may have gone. Even though he was 25 years my senior, I had loved sitting next to him, seeing his beautiful smile up close. He was a dreamboat.
The food had been amazing too. I sat up in the bed. I might have eaten too much. My stomach was working hard and I was having a hard time falling asleep. I found my phone in the dark. 1:37 AM. It was dead quiet in the cabin. I wanted a glass of water. I couldn’t go into the nearest bathroom without waking up Carrie and Ken. I decided to go downstairs to the kitchen.
I was careful going down the wooden stairs. I made it to the living room. I knew Dale and Tanisha were sleeping on this level, so I quietly made it to the kitchen and opened the cabinet. I filled a glass with water and drank some. I looked around the room. It seemed lighter down here. The light of the moon reflected on the lake. Because of the ample windows, it lit up the living room.
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Dale |
“Hmmm. Hey”, he mumbled.
“H-hi”, I replied.
I had expected Dale to be embarrassed to find me here in the kitchen, his nudity suggested he would have thought he’d be alone. But he passed me and kept walking. He leaned back against the island, crossing his arms. His breathing was heavy and noisy.
“A good night, huh?” was the only thing I could decipher from his soft mumbling.
Finally when the reflected moonlight from the lake hit Dale’s face, I figured it out. His eyes were half open and he had a glazed expression. He was sleepwalking.
The only thing I really knew about sleepwalking is that you shouldn’t wake the person up, but guide them back to bed.
“Dale, do you want to go back to bed?”, I whispered as I calmly touched his shoulder.
“Nah, I’m OK man”, he mumbled.
Dale walked to the fridge and took out a carton of orange juice. He took a bowl from a cabinet and poured the OJ in. He took a fork from the drawer, put it in the bowl and again leaned back against the island. Holding the bowl in one hand, he was calmly putting the fork in his mouth over and over. It was like he was having cereal. But he wasn’t.
I didn’t know what else to do. As I watched Dale, my eyes couldn’t help but wander. To his built chest. To his lightly furry, flat stomach. To his small, flaccid cock. I snapped out of it. I had to get him to bed without waking anyone up.
“Hey, what do you say we have breakfast later?”, I whispered, taking the bowl from Dale’s hand and putting it on the counter.
We stood close together. I was shirtless, wearing just some pajama pants. My arm grazed past his. The feeling of my bare skin touching his, sent a wave of electricity through my body. When I looked back at him, he looked straight at me.
“Mmmyeah so whatchu wanna do first?”, he said, mumbling in his sexy baritone.
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Dale |
My body grew tense at first, wanting to push Dale away, but the feel and scent of his body, so close to mine, made it impossible for me to resist. I kissed him back. At this point I knew he would not remember a single thing about this in the morning.
My dick grew into a full erection and Dale noticed. He grabbed my cock through my pants and jerked it back and forth as we continued to kiss. He had definitely done this before. I was now so horny there was no turning back.
Dale soon got on his knees and pulled my pajama pants down to my ankles. My cock sprung out, bouncing in front of his face. He eagerly licked the shaft before taking me into his mouth. It felt so very good. My knees buckled.
As I enjoyed his blowjob, part of me wondered where Dale got this experience sucking dick. But any thoughts I had were pushed into the back of my head when he deepthroated me. I bit my lip as I moaned, trying to be quiet.
Once Dale stood back up, I could see his thick boner. It wasn’t very long, but it was sexy.
“Hey babe, let’s fuck”, he now mumbled.
His brown eyes looked serious. As our cocks swung back and forth in front of us, we walked to the sofa. I sat down on it, and my cock flopped up against my stomach. I waited, thinking it wouldn’t be long until he would take my ankles and start fucking me. That wasn’t what was about to happen.
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Dale |
I was fucking Dale Barner. A man who was definitely a part of my sexual awakening when I was a teen. I had no idea how obvious my crush at the time might have been for him. Maybe on some level he knew that I liked him. Knew that I wanted this. Or he had some latent, unexplored bisexuality himself. But then how come he was just bouncing on my cock right now like he had done this many times before?
Looking up at his face, Dale’s expression was blank. Every now and then his eyes rolled up and closed in pleasure. His jaw was slack, leaving his mouth to hang open to produce a few grunts and snores. But he didn’t even look at me. He was looking at the wall. It was like he was going through the motions.
Precum dropped from his rock hard dick onto my stomach. I touched his pecs and his stiff, pointy nipples. I caressed his abs and jerked his cock. No response but a soft moan or grunt.
I noticed Dale’s legs were getting tired and soon he stepped off my cock. He sat on the sofa and immediately laid back with his legs in the air. I lifted his hips and entered him. I was so rock hard, but I could tell Dale’s eyes were getting heavy and he was starting to fall asleep. He was jerking himself off as I fucked him, but sometimes his hand would stop as his eyes fluttered.
I couldn’t help but think I had been taking advantage of the situation even though Dale took every initiative. He hadn’t been fully conscious throughout. He jerked himself a few more times as I slowed my fucking down.
I was surprised when suddenly Dale shot four ropes of cum onto his stomach. He was completely silent. His hand limply fell to his side halfway through his orgasm and his eyes were closed. He started to snore softly. My cock was still hard as I pulled out.
I looked at Dale’s body sprawled across the sofa. His legs were spread wide, one arm over his head. His cock was still hard and dripping cum. His chest rose and fell with each breath. I didn’t know what to do.
As his snoring got louder, I fetched my pants from the kitchen and put them on. I saw the bowl of orange juice with a fork in it on the counter. Next to a half-full glass of water. I just decided to go back to bed. But not before taking one more peek at Dale Barner, Mr B, sprawled across the sofa naked. Sleeping and snoring. Not a care in the world. I licked my lips and went upstairs quietly.
Even though I didn’t cum and I was still horny as hell, the exertion must have been enough for me to fall asleep.
When I woke up it was 8:03 AM. The sun must have been up for a while. I saw Laura’s bed was empty. The door to Carrie and Ken’s bedroom was open. I looked in and noticed they weren’t there either. I took advantage of the situation by hopping into the shower.
It felt the good to feel the water wash over my body. I had to wonder if Dale would remember anything from the night before. Until I knew what he would remember, I couldn’t really got my story straight.
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Ken |
“Good morning”, I said.
“Oh, hey! You’re up!”, Carrie said.
The both wished me a good morning. Ken was making some breakfast and asked if I wanted anything. I gladly took him up on that offer.
The three of us took our plates and coffees to the sun porch. It looked out across the lake and the mountains. It was so pretty.
“Where’s Laura? I noticed she was up”, I asked.
“She’s outside with Mom and Dad”, Carrie replied.
Dale was up, I thought. I reckoned if he did remember us having sex, he might not want to talk about it either. If he remembered nothing, he probably woke up this morning, naked on the sofa with cum all over himself. I hoped he wasn’t going to want to talk about that either.
Carrie, Ken and I ate and chatted about what we wanted to do today. I spotted Laura, Tanisha and Dale walking towards the house from the lake. They were talking and laughing. When Tanisha noticed us, they all waved and we waved back. Soon they were inside of the house.
They joined our conversation about what we wanted to do that day. It was decided we would check out Olympic National Park. Just then, Landon and Melissa came walking in. They had clearly gone for a run and a sheen of sweat covered them both.
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Landon |
I licked my lips as I looked at Landon’s shirtless body. His beautifully muscular, lightly hairy chest was nice and shiny. His nipples popped out and were begging to be touched. The slight aroma of his sweaty masculinity hit my nose.
Landon and Melissa were updated on the plans we had made and they agreed. Landon apologized for being so sweaty and he and Melissa wanted to get to the shower as fast as possible.
“Oh, before you leave”, Dale started.
Everyone looked at him. He could be so quiet in a group but then suddenly command everyone’s attention. I was a little nervous about what he was going to say.
“I’ve been sleepwalking last night, so I apologize if I bothered anyone.”
People chuckled and looked around.
“No, didn’t notice anything”, Melissa said.
“Me neither”, Laura added.
“I think you’re good”, Ken concluded.
“OK, good”, Dale smiled. “I woke up on that sofa over there and don’t remember how I got there.”
He pointed to the sofa I had fucked him on. Everyone chuckled.
“It happens sometimes on a first night in a new place, doesn’t it honey?”
Tanisha kissed her husband on the head.
“Yeah, the alcohol can’t have helped either”, Dale added. “But it’s likely it won’t happen again.”
And that was that. Melissa and Landon went to go shower. Ken and Carrie went upstairs and got dressed. And the sleepwalking wasn’t mentioned again. I got away with it. A part of me still felt a little guilty, but over time I would look back on that night and think it was superhot.
In two cars we drove to Olympic National Park. Tanisha had seen a trail to walk to a waterfall, about a mile each way. And it was a gorgeous hike. I couldn’t stop looking up to the mountains around us.
Everyone was going in their own pace. Dale wanted to take lots of photos, but I think he wanted to make Tanisha feel better for being slightly slower than the rest of us. So he told us to keep going and that we would meet at the waterfall.
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Ken |
It was nice to catch up with Melissa for a while, even though I walked in front of her and Laura was asking the questions. Of course, it didn’t take long for Laura to ask.
“Are you all ready for the wedding?”
“Oh, the wedding will be fine, no problem. I’ve been preparing for that all my life.”
Laura and I both laughed.
“Sometimes though”, she started, her voice going down slightly because she knew it carried, “I am unsure about Landon.”
“Cold feet?”, Laura asked.
“I-I don’t know. He’s very sweet, he definitely loves me. I’m just not sure sometimes if I’m enough for him?”
“What?”, Laura asked incredulously. “Why?”
Melissa was quiet for a while.
“I… Like today is not an unusual day. I try to wear him out. Lots of physical activity. But the man wants to go, like two or three times a day.”
She said the last part very quietly.
“Sex? Two or three times a day??”
Laura was much louder, never giving a shit and that’s why I she’s my best friend.
“Ssshhh!”, Melissa shushed.
We all laughed.
“But yes. Two or three times a day.”
“That sounds exhausting”, Laura shared.
“And I don’t always want to, you know”, Melissa continued. “We went last night even though I was tired from the trip, the big dinner and the wine, you know. But I let him, because I knew he would just be horny throughout the night otherwise.”
I was keeping my mouth shut, but I wouldn’t mind having sex with Landon two or three times a day.
“So this morning after the run, he tries it again in the shower and I just have to say no”, Melissa said. “He said he doesn’t mind, but, you know… if it were up to me we would have sex like three times a week!”
“And that’s plenty!”, Laura agreed.
“But if we only do it three times a week, I swear to God, that man just walks around with a boner all day. It makes me feel bad for him!”
Melissa chuckled.
“Just know that you are enough, Lis”, Laura assured her sister. “Right, Craig?”
I was surprised I got input.
“Uhm, yeah. I wouldn’t have sex with him against your will, ever, really”, I said. “I’m sure he can tell when you’re not into it and that’s not good.”
“Yeah, you’re right…”, Melissa said.
“And why can’t he just have a quick tug over the toilet?”
Laura and Melissa laughed as two other hikers just passed us. I burst out laughing myself.
“But seriously, he loves you. He’ll accept you just the way you are”, I concluded.
“Agreed”, Laura said.
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Landon |
Melissa walked up to Landon and threw her arms around him. He turned around and smiled.
“Hey babe!”, he said cheerfully as he kissed her cheek.
Laura and I stood next to them. Melissa turned to us and mouthed ‘Thanks’.
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