Chris |
“Hey little fella”, Chris said.
I had noticed him getting tired in the car. The physical therapy and the shopping trip must have been quite exhausting for him physically.
“You two haven’t been formally introduced. This is Jose, he’s going to take care of you for a little while.”
Scaramouch meowed.
“Now, don’t give him attitude, there’s still food in your bowl”, Chris replied.
I laughed. I thought he was being adorable.
“He likes to spend his days behind the washing machine, but every now and then he’ll want attention”, Chris said as he let himself fall down onto the couch.
I carried in all bags of shopping, as well as Chris’s newly bought shorts.
“Sorry man, I would help you…”
“No that’s fine”, I immediately said, “It’s what I’m here for.”
Before I was done putting away the groceries, I noticed Chris had already nodded off on the sofa. I smiled. He looked adorable. His hairy legs were spread open. His hands rested in his lap. His chest slowly rose and fell.
I remembered there was a last thing on the list for today. The pool guy was coming. Over our Skype call she had said that he didn’t have a key, so really all I had to do was be home and open the door. I decided to wait in the driveway so he wouldn’t have to ring the doorbell. Chris just looked too peaceful.
Jose |
I was just starting to think about my options when a car pulled up the driveway. It was a white truck. On the side of the truck it was clear that this was the pool guy. Out came a sweaty man in his forties. He looked to be a Latino. He saw me and immediately smiled.
“Hola!”, he said cheerfully.
I smiled and repeated his greeting to him.
“¿Que haces aqui?”
Even though my Dad had made sure I understood Spanish, I wasn’t the best in speaking it.
“I’m housesitting for Raenia and Chris”, I replied.
He walked over to me and shook my hand.
“Díaz”, he said.
“Jose”, I replied.
I let Díaz into the house and asked him to be quiet. We had to pass a sleeping Chris in the living room. When we were both outside I closed the sliding door.
“Muy triste, ese chico”, Díaz said as he started to get to work.
I sat down in one of the chairs around the pool.
“Raenia… Ella es… tan hermosa… tan inteligente… pero también dominante.”
I smiled. I kind of knew what he meant, Raenia knew what she wanted and wasn’t scared to go for that or speak her mind. Maybe Díaz wasn’t used to women like that. It was why I admired her.
“Chris… el quiere jugar tenis! El es bueno. Muy bueno! Ella…”
He shrugged as he fished some leaves from the water with a net.
“She wants him to quit?”
Díaz nodded.
“She…”, he continued, suddenly switching to a heavily accented English, “She need him for her career.”
I decided not to ask anymore and changed the subject. When I opened the door again to let Díaz out, we inadvertently woke Chris.
“Oh, hey”, he said, “I dozed off, didn’t I?”
Chris and I said goodbye to Díaz. Chris played some video games as I decided to take a dip in the pool. As I passed him in my swimming shorts and carrying my towel, Chris didn’t even look up. I let myself float in the water and looked up at the perfectly blue sky.
When I had made my way over to Tampa, I had expected to be by myself, and with an injured Chris I had quite a few more things to think of. Yet so far, I didn’t mind in the slightest. Chris had been good company. Sexy company too. And he was sort of well-known. I already had a great story to tell from when we did errands.
Chris |
“Are you sad you don’t get to go on a tour across the US with Raenia?”
He shrugged.
“It’s all of this posing for photos, wearing suits and stuff. It’s not really my scene. Sometimes they want me to sit in on interviews too, which is odd. All of her books are about women making their own careers, but the agency feels like my presence… I don’t know, makes her more accessible? They’re completely missing the point.”
He made an interesting argument.
“What does Raenia feel about this?”
“Oh, she knows I’m right. She just wants to reach as many people as possible with her content. So she prefers not to hear about how this media strategy undermines it.”
Without knowing it, I had started Chris off on a rant. Even throughout dinner, he was airing out his frustrations about Raenia wanting him to give up on his career. After having made the US Open Semi Finals in 2017, he hadn’t done very well. Raenia had told him he was still getting media attention because of his looks and because he was dating her. Which was probably true. But I got his point that it was no good reason to stop playing tennis.
It was quite intense to hear about all that was under the surface when it came to Chris and Raenia. Just 24 hours ago, they had seemed like such a vibrant, smart, carefree couple. To both be in the public eye must have been a lot of pressure on them.
After dinner, Chris and I played some video games together until he said he was tired. He asked for my help to get to bed. Without Raenia, it was slightly tougher to get Chris up the stairs. He had his arm wrapped around my neck and the closeness felt amazing. This time I had to help him all the way to the bedroom.
Once I got Chris to sit down, he said he would be fine from here.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah I can make it to the bathroom by myself, I’m good.”
“OK! Don’t hesitate to call for me though.”
He smiled.
“Thanks, that’s nice”, he said.
I went to bed and I knew I had to relieve myself. Too much had happened today, there was no way to avoid it. I masturbated thinking about Chris in the store, Chris sleeping on the sofa… And then I remembered… Chris in the background during the Skype call. I came.
The next morning I helped Chris down the stairs. He had been able to shower by himself thanks to the little stool they had placed in it. He was also wearing a fresh pair of sweat shorts and a T-shirt. As we walked down each step, it was clearer than ever that he was not wearing underwear. Thinking about it, they might not fit over his cast.
Chris |
‘You’ve been left alone with Chris??’
I chuckled out loud.
‘Yep! It’s been great!’
‘Maybe he’s the change you’ve been looking for LOL’
I laughed out loud. I noticed other patrons looked my way.
‘LOL’, I replied, which wasn’t a lie. ‘So far he’s just very nice to be around. Not just to look at, but he’s smart too.’
‘Glad to hear it. Enjoy!’
I went back to pick Chris up. I was early and sat in the waiting room for five minutes. When he came out, I could immediately tell something was wrong. I noticed it from his facial expression first and then the way he was making his way over. He was walking with crutches, by himself, but something was off. He was in pain.
“Hey”, I said, “are you OK?”
“I’m… well… no, not really. Let’s get to the car first and I’ll tell you.”
I drove us back home when Chris told me how he was always pushing himself to do more and more. And today he tried to walk by himself, even though Cole, the physical therapist, had said he wasn’t ready.
“I’m just not patient enough for things like this. And way too stubborn. So I put too much pressure on it and fuck, it really hurts.”
“Should we get some pain medication?”
“I have it at home, I just haven’t taken it.”
“Why not?”
“I’m just not a fan of it. I always think I’m better off toughing it out. Also, those pills make me all loopy.”
“Well, if you’re in this much pain, you’re taking one.”
He was in the passenger’s seat, literally grunting from the pain.
“All right”, he gave in.
When we got back, somehow Scaramouch was waiting for us again. He meowed. I immediately panicked and told myself to check her food and water immediately after making sure Chris was all right. I sat him down on the sofa as he instructed me to find a strip of his pain medication in the kitchen. I found it and brought it back with a glass of water. I saw him take it.
I checked on Scaramouch’s food situation and he was fine. I gave him some more, gave him some fresh water and he came over to me, still meowing.
“Hey”, I said, as I held out my hand. He sniffed it. He looked back at me and meowed again.
I wasn’t sure what the meowing was about, but I just decided to give him some attention now that he wasn’t behind the washing machine. I sat down on the floor and talked to him.
“What’s up?”, I asked.
He came to me and immediately stroked his head against my leg.
“Aww”, I said, “that’s so sweet.”
I was petting his back and we seemed to become friends as he purred. Soon enough he ate something and then quickly ran off, I’m guessing back to his safe place.
I made Chris some lunch.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yeah, I think we’re getting there”, he said. “Reacting better to the meds now, usually I completely lose it”, he chuckled.
I smiled.
Chris |
“You know what Jose, you’re just such a sweet guy. What would I have done without you??”
He smiled at me, widely. I couldn’t help but smile back.
“Are you feeling OK?”, I asked, still smiling.
He nodded dramatically.
“I am feeling great!”
I transferred him from the table to the couch when he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“You are so pretty, do you know that?”, he said.
I smiled. Now it was getting awkward.
I decided to text Raenia.
‘Chris is reacting quite extremely to his pain meds, is that normal? Who should I contact?’
I realized it might take a while before she could answer, she was obviously busy.
“Chris, can I contact your doctor?”
“Wheeee!”, he exclaimed as he spread his arms wide and pretended he was flying.
“Chris, who is your doctor?”
“Doctor Seuss? Yeah, I think that’s what his name was. Or her!”
I frowned.
I figured I could try to find a number for the physical therapy practice I had taken him to twice now and see if I could get Cole on the phone. But then I saw Raenia’s text come in.
‘Oh he’s a full-on lightweight. Never done drugs. No need to call anyone. The pain goes away for hours and he’s just a very happy fella for a while, it’s a win-win. Send me video!’
I laughed.
‘Just make sure he doesn’t decide to start walking all of a sudden.’
I sat next to Chris on the couch.
“Jose!”, he said as if he hadn’t seen me for ages. “Come cuddle!”
I chuckled and got closer to him. He pulled me close and pushed his face into my chest.
“Hmmm, that feels nice.”
I let it happen and did feel myself getting slightly aroused.
“Jose?”, Chris asked.
“Are you gay?”
I was surprised by the question and its timing.
“Uhm. Yes.”
“Cool. I just wanted to tell you that’s cool.”
We sat next to each other like this for quite a while, with Chris face buried in my chest. It wasn’t arousing anymore. Suddenly he gasped and sat up.
“Did you hear?”
“The news?”
I was confused.
“What news?”
“No, me neither! We should watch the news!”
Chris and I watched CNN for a while, which seemed to calm him down a little. Things were still extremely funny to him. Someone’s hair, someone’s glasses, someone’s tie. I just didn’t know what to do but wait it out. I shot some video of his reactions to the TV, to send to Raenia.
At one point I noticed he was slowly passing out on the sofa. It was like 5:00 PM, over 4 hours later. I didn’t know how long he would be out for. I was thankful there were no other chores on the list for today and just went out for a swim. When I came back, Chris had a full-on boner in his sweat shorts. It was hard to look away from. The material tented up in a way that made it impossible to miss.
Chris |
“It’s me, Jose.”
He giggled.
“Jose! You’re a good guy.”
He was still slurring his speech. I helped him back to the table, his erection bouncing around as I practically carried him. After a few bites of his food I saw his eyes roll up as he dropped his fork. He was continuously on the brink of passing out, trying hard to stay awake. He was like a baby who was both tired and hungry.
I decided to get him to bed, which was tough, because he clearly didn’t want to go up the stairs. His boner still not subsided, he refused. I had to leave him on the couch as I fetched a pillow and a blanket for him. Within minutes, he was out cold.
I watched some TV as I sat on one of the chairs, keeping an eye on him. He snored, louder and louder as time went on. Suddenly he would move around a little, but then fall back into a deep sleep. He was at one point very obvious about touching himself, as I noticed he was using two hands to pleasure himself, still half asleep. Couldn’t blame him with that rock hard erection that had lasted for hours. He passed back out still holding his cock, albeit under the blanket.
I decided to leave Chris downstairs, hoping he would find his way to the bathroom if he needed it. He seemed to be fine sleeping it off by himself.
The next morning I woke up early, hoping Chris had been all right.
“Hey”, I said as I found him awake.
His eyes were still half-shut as he sat up on the couch.
“Hey”, his voice croaked, “I feel like a wreck.”
“What do you mean?”
“The drugs must have hit me quite hard.”
I laughed.
“Well, yes.”
“Oh no, that doesn’t sound good.”
“No, it was fine, you just got a little high, that’s all.”
“I think lunch is the last thing I remember”, he admitted.
I chuckled.
I told him some of the funny things he had said, and showed him the video I’d sent to Raenia.
“No recollection of this in the slightest”, he said.
I omitted telling him about him being so cuddly, him asking me about being gay, his random compliments, or his self-pleasuring.
“And you know what’s the worst part?”, Chris said, “My leg hurts again this morning.”
“I’m sorry. I would suggest taking something for the pain, but…”
He looked at me with a sarcastic expression.
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