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Cameron |
“Did you have a nice afternoon with Cam?”, my Mom asked. I was certain she wanted to know what I thought about him. But because he was in the room, I couldn’t say everything.
“We had a great time!”, I said enthusiastically.
After the towel-incident, we just sat on the sofa and talked about random things while watching some sports. We found out that we were only 5 years apart in age and decided that we wouldn’t make that into something awkward and just become friends.
In two cars we drove to the Raising Cane’s on Perkins Road. As a teenager I had loved going to its first location on Highland Road, before the chain really exploded. In Baton Rouge there were now 13 locations. Another restaurant was about equally nearby on Siegen Lane. Raising Cane’s is a Louisianan chicken finger restaurant. Not what I had expected after Cameron had said I would be treated to a nice meal, but it was fun to reminisce in my hometown surrounded by family. The night was mostly spent catching up with everyone.
On the way back I sat in my Mom’s car. Cameron was driving and my Mom sat in the back with me.
“Are you going to feel weird sleeping in your old bed?”
“It’s always a little odd on the first night, but I’ll be fine”, I said.
“You know, sometimes Cam snores so loud I kick him out… And then he sleeps in that bed. So it has been used from time to time.”
Cam laughed from the driver’s seat.
“Yeah, it’s not that bad”, he said.
“Good”, I chuckled.
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Freddy |
“Wow, look at my buff son!”, my Mom exclaimed from the kitchen table as she saw me walk in. She put her hand on my chest and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Morning”, I said.
“Good morning! Here, I made waffles.”
My Mom gestured for me to sit down as she got up and made me a plate.
“Juice and coffee?”
The TV was on and it showed some morning show type setting. I didn’t really think about it, until I realized this is probably the show Cameron is on.
“Did you sleep OK?”, my Mom asked.
“Yeah, it was fine. I did hear…”
“Sshh sshh!”
My Mom was shushing me as she got the remote off the kitchen counter and put the TV louder. An African American woman in her twenties was sitting behind the news desk with a middle aged white man as I heard her say “…he and his gorgeous booty have made their way back into the studio for your 7 AM update on the weather! Cameron, tell us all about it!”
And there he was, in a crisp white shirt and blue slacks, the guy who had dropped his towel in front of me just yesterday. His bright blue eyes and his perfect smile were really brought out by the colors he wore. He turned to the screen and pointed to several cities on the map, but my eyes were glued to the profile we were getting of his body. That booty popped out like crazy. The cameraman and/or the director were clearly aware of this, because Cameron’s ass was not missed. Cameron finished with “…another warm spring day. Back to you, Kelsey”.
It cut back to the duo behind the desk, and the woman was fanning herself.
“You always make my spring days a little warmer, Cameron.”
And then they went on with a news story. My Mom turned down the volume again.
“Do they always do that?”
“Do what?”, my Mom asked as she put down my plate of waffles.
“Objectify him?”
“Oh, yeah! It’s the best part of the show!”
I smiled. I said, “I mean, I can’t blame them, but…”
My Mom looked at me with her tongue poking against the inside of her cheek without saying anything.
“…doesn’t he feel used for his looks and body? Instead of his mind? Didn’t he go to college?”
“Honey, he decided to go on TV when he wanted a change and his looks are what got him this far. He knows that!”
“OK, OK…Surprising, that’s all.”
“Seeing him do the weather right before I go to work really brings a spring to my step, you know.”
“I did not need to know that”, I said as I looked down at my food.
“Just admit it, my guy is a hot slice of beef!”
“Yeah, yeah, he’s good-looking.”
“I should not have said beef, I should have said something about white meat… you know, because you still like those chicken fingers…”
“And he’s white, I get it. You’re a true jokester, Mom!”
My Mom soon had to go to her job, as it was Friday. Miguel also decided to go to work today and shared a car with my sister, Jodi. She was working a lunch and a dinner shift and wouldn’t be back until late. She told me she had taken the weekend off and was looking forward to spending more time with me. Miguel was just silent and slow, which is how I had gotten to know him.
By 9 AM the house was empty. Cameron would come back from his job early in the afternoon. There were no cars left in the driveway. I could order an Uber but didn’t know where to. I didn’t really have any friends left in Baton Rouge. So I became a little bored and didn’t know what to do. I had about three hours to fill. I showered, got dressed and walked to Brec Meadow Park, which was just around the corner. Indeed it was a lovely spring day. I sat in the grass and looked around. I must have nodded off because suddenly I was dreaming. Cameron was sitting in a white robe on the sofa and I was sitting across from him. We were just chatting and I took quick glances at his slightly exposed chest. But as the conversation went on, I noticed Cameron was sitting wider and wider and that I could look in between his legs. But I just couldn’t exactly see… Cameron just continued talking about college basketball, or visiting his Mom in Vancouver, I couldn’t really make out what he was saying. I was focused on only one thing. But he did not seem to mind or notice. But just as his legs spread far enough for me to see his cock… I heard the sound of a siren. I had nodded off for about 45 minutes.
I walked around a bit more and saw two young mothers chatting while their kids were playing. I circled the park and decided to take my time walking back. Back at the house, I made myself a coffee. I checked some e-mail, but soon enough I sat on the patio with my coffee mug. I surprised myself with how bad I was at entertaining myself without friends or being able to go somewhere. I could go on Grindr, but considered it a bit inappropriate to invite a stranger to my Mom’s house. So I just sat on the patio in a white tanktop and jeans, barefoot. Waiting for Cameron to get home. And in the end, it turned out quite relaxing to do nothing for a while, just listening to the rustling of leaves, alone with my thoughts.
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Cameron |
“Hey handsome!”, Cameron shouted from the rolled-down window. What was it about this guy? I just smiled and put up my hand to greet him.
He parked and got out. He wore a black T-shirt and jeans, not what he wore on TV a few hours ago.
“Hey buddy, you bored?”
“Little bit!”
“Do you wanna go for a run?”
“Anything”, I said.
He grinned. “OK, give me a minute.”
I had changed into black shorts instead of my jeans and put on some running shoes. I was still wearing my white tanktop. Cameron wore a red T-shirt and black short shorts.
“I don’t know if you regret coming early, but I’m really glad I have a workout buddy”, he said as we started.
“I think it was good for me to come early. I needed a bit of a break anyway. And being forced to not do anything does calm me down.”
“Is life at home busy?” Cameron asked as we ran toward the park I had already spent my morning in.
“Definitely! Work, gym, evening classes.”
“That does sound rough.”
“I saw you at work this morning, by the way!”
“You did? What did you think?”
“I was thinking you got that job for the way you look, mostly.”
Cameron looked at me with a glint in his eye.
“Are you saying I’m pwetty?”
I laughed and stopped running. Cameron also stopped and stretched his hamstrings.
He smiled at me. “I know what you mean though”, he then said. “It’s TV! There’s no way around it. And I modeled to pay my way my through college. It’s not new to me.”
After a nice run around the block with great conversation, we had circled back to the house. Cameron had gotten his T-shirt sweaty and took it off when we were still on the driveway.
“Hey, you wanna shoot some hoops?”
He pointed at the hoop in the driveway.
“Sure”, I said.
Cameron was a good basketball player. And the fact that he was shirtless distracted me a lot. When he tried to block my shot he got real close to me, which made me nervous. I could smell his smell, and at times our stomachs touched. I was convinced I felt his bulge against my leg more than once.
All of this was only making me sweaty, so in the end I also took my tanktop off.
“Here we go!”, Cameron clapped his hands cheerfully.
But now it was our bare stomachs that touched, which didn’t help me much. I lost the game. But I felt like I won. I knew it wasn’t just me who saw the homoeroticism in this, as around 3 PM, my Mom drove up.
“Wow, times have certainly changed since the last time Frederick brought a friend over to play basketball!”
We all laughed. Cameron bounced the ball to my Mom and she took a good shot, but didn’t make the shot.
“Well, well, well… I’m impressed, Mom!” I said.
“I’ve been getting lessons”, she said as she kissed Cameron on the mouth and let his sweaty body hug her. Which was somehow weird to see. Was I jealous of my mother?
All three of us went inside as my Mom said she was let off work early today and ready to start her birthday weekend.
“We should start the celebrations now!”, Cameron encouraged her. “Wait here!”
He walked to the garage and came back with a bottle of champagne.
“Baby! You shouldn’t have!”, my Mom said.
It was sort of cool to see my Mom this happy. Even with the basketball playing, Cameron’s presence in her life had seemingly made her more joyful as well as youthful.
Cameron poured all three of us a glass and we cheered on my Mom.
“As much as I enjoy the view, the two of you will need a shower before the festivities can really begin though”, she said before her first sip.
Cameron and I were still standing there shirtless. We looked at each other and laughed.
We were all talking and joking, and I remember thinking I hadn’t had this much fun going home before. Cameron finished his glass first and left to the bathroom, and soon we heard the shower come on. I talked with my Mom a bit more.
“He’s really great, Mom. Good choice. I can see he makes you happy.”
“You approve?”
“I do. Not that you need my approval.”
“Damn right I don’t!”
She winked at me and gave me a kiss on my cheek.
“Now go take a shower. You smell!”
She pointed to the bathroom. I could no longer hear the shower go and had my back turned the door, but I assumed my Mom had seen Cameron leave if she was encouraging me to go now. She turned around to the fridge for a refill when I opened the bathroom door. The room had fogged up and felt warm. But I immediately saw Cameron, fully naked, drying the back of his neck.
I couldn’t help but glance down. His pubes were perfectly trimmed and framed an average sized, but beautiful uncircumcised penis.
“Oh, hey. Sorry. I’ll be out of here in a second”, he said.
“Oh, yeah. That’s fine.”
I stumbled back out of the bathroom. This man was a perfect specimen. I could not get that image out of my brain.
That evening turned out great. Cameron made a lovely dinner as I got to chat with just my sister for a while to catch up. She just seemed not to know what she wanted to do with her life.
Cameron gave a toast at the start of the meal, where he said that even though every person at the table had a different last name, he felt like we were more of a family than the one he grew up in.
And that night I obviously jacked off furiously to the visual of Cameron naked.
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